As I plan to be back on here Tuesday evening with NH Primary bloggin'-a-plenty, I will keep this relatively brief. More accurately I'll keep it brief because in the time between conception and actual blogging on this topic, another able blogger covered many of the same points already.

So let's talk about the trainwreck "feel good" hit of the winter, Tom Hanks' delightful Charlie Wilson's War. Leave aside the fact that I find Mr. Hanks and his grating aw-shucks-ain't-I-a-good-guy demeanor almost unbearable. Leave aside the fact that Julia Roberts' lips look like someone stapled two enormous millipedes to her face. Let's instead focus on the fact that this historical tale is somehow told as a charming, quirkly, feel-good story. It ends (caveat: I refuse to dignify this by paying to see it) with a mass of Afghan "freedom fighters" chanting Charlie Wilson's name, waving about their American-provided Stinger missiles, and gushing with love for the Red White and Blue.


My first reaction, the moment I first heard of this film (in the form of a trailer in the theater), was to turn to my film companion and say "Um, how are they going to get around the fact that those mujahadeen we armed to the teeth eventually became al Qaeda?" Apparently, I have now learned, the way they get around it is by ignoring it and ending the movie with a syrupy God Bless America pep rally.

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Roll the fucking credits! Quick! Before anyone starts asking questions!

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Recasting alcoholic, ass-pinching lout Charlie Wilson as the lovable Tom Hanks (you know, that guy Tom Hanks is in every goddamn movie) was enough of a middle finger toward historical accuracy. Warping the American involvement in the Soviet-Afghan War into a tale of how hardcore Muslims came to love America is…well, it's just a bridge too far.


I have a lot of neat stuff planned for this week, but since Tuesday and Wednesday are likely to be swamped with NH Primary talk I want to go with something not explicitly political today. Don't worry, it's still trenchant.
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So by now I hope you've heard that the RIAA has finally leapt the chasm that separated their behavior toward customers from outright hostility. Yes, now it appears that they are taking the position in court that making electronic copies of legally-purchased CDs for personal use is illegal. Let me clarify what they are arguing in case it is unclear: you purchase the new Tremendous Fucking CD (who isn't?
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). Then you decide to rip a copy on your PC to add it to your iPod – which is, you know, what people do with CDs these days.
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You're not redistributing the music, nor are you stealing it. But their new legal position is that….are you sitting down?…..if you want to put it on your iPod you need to go purchase the album again from iTunes or another legal music download site. Yup, that's what they're arguing.

My memory fails; can anyone think of an industry making such a lengthy, ludicrous, and aggressive assault on its own paying customers?
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I briefly recall Microsoft (circa Windows 98) arguing that if you had two computers in your home you had to purchase two copies of Windows, but they recanted after intense negative publicity. I can only conclude that the record industry is taking legal advice – from beyond the grave – from one Russell Jones. Like the classic Ol' Dirty tune "Here Comes the Judge" is a musical interpretation of the Onion column "I Am Fucking Insane," the new RIAA strategy provides a legal interpretation of the same principle.

Q & A

Lots of bitchin' questions in the comments. Let me take a crack at them.

1. Hillary is not out of the race, but people are just drawn to Obama.

My bet is that she finishes second in NH and then will get hammered out of the race by losing NV and SC before the end of the month. She'll probably finish 3rd in both of those, in my estimation. If she ends January 0-for-4, kiss her ass goodbye.

2. I don't have a favorite, although the person I'd bet money on to win the whole show at this point is Obama.

3. Establishment Republicans hate Huckabee because he is a backward Southern Baptist Preacher character out of a Coen Brothers movie.

Frankly, if Huckabee wins the GOP nomination (which I still doubt) it doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate. All that guy is missing to complete the Yokel persona is a jug band and the cast of Hee-Haw. He looks like a fucking used car salesman – and his lack of foreign policy knowledge is just humiliating.

4. The Reagan Republican coalition is splintering in the sense that no single candidate can bring all parts of it together, so they've each picked a horse – religious nutjobs (Huckabee), cut-taxes-at-all-costs suburbanites (Romney), and mouth-foaming war hawks (Giuliani). Oh, and McCain (old people). Romney is the only person who could really appeal to all of them, but unfortunately the religious right is too bigoted to let him do that.

5. McCain will do very well in NH – he won it in 2000 – and then fall off the face of the Earth thereafter. His schtick plays well there but his appeal beyond that is very limited.

I decided to give up making predictions this year, but I called this one in my head about a week ago and now I feel stupid. Now watch me start making predictions again and be totally wrong. OK. New Hampshire: Obama, Clinton, Edwards. Romney, McCain, Giuliani. Huckabee won't crack the top 3, and Obama/Clinton is basically a coin flip.
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If the race is decided by more than one or two percent I'll be shocked.


For obvious reasons, No Politics Friday will not happen today. Instead I'm substituting a series of observations about Iowa. This format seemed to work pretty well back in 2006, so without further delay…

  • 1. Calm down. Everyone gets a jolt of adrenaline after 4 years of waiting (8 if you're a Democrat) and rushes to assign meaning to these tangible results. Iowa is very important by virtue of the attention it receives, but it is not definitive. We don't necessarily know who the nominees are right now. Neither George H. Bush nor Bill Clinton won Iowa. Now if they also lose NH they are in real trouble. The only person to win a nomination without winning at least one of the big early races was Slick Willie.
  • 2. That said, while no one has won yet there are several candidates who are clearly finished. You know who they are.
  • 3. The most underreported statistic, and the most important one, is that nearly 215,000 Democrats showed up to caucus compared to about 100,000 Republicans. What do you think that says about next November?
  • 4. Hillary Clinton is fucked. See, Republicans think that they loathe her and everyone else adores her. The simple fact is that no one likes her. She came to this with more than $90 million in the bank and she could not even buy second place cleanly. She lost to Barack Obama in a state that is 97% white. 97%! If he kicked her ass in a state with no black people and had more support among women….
  • 5. Giuliani's strategy puzzles me. I'm not sure why he thinks that punting Iowa and NH will work. He's focusing on Super Tuesday, but the whole point of these early contests is momentum. By the time ST rolls around, the stench of death will have cloaked Giuliani for almost a month.
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  • 6. Huckabee is really going to hit a wall in the non-Bible-thumper states. The question is, can he use the attention and momentum (which bring money) to bludgeon someone out of the race before that?
  • 7. I will say more about this next week, but bear in mind that there are more than 2.3 million Iowans of voting age and about 300,000 caucused. For those of you who aren't mathemagicians, that's 13%. So to the extent that this contest chooses your president….your president is chosen by 13% of Iowa. That terrifies me.
  • 8. Clinton has raised more than million, Obama million, and Romney more than million.

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    In the 1996 election – just 12 short years ago – Clinton/Gore and Dole/Kemp spent about $100 million combined over the course of the entire election. You may not be able to buy victory (ask Hillary or Mitt) but the amount of money one needs just to show up and play the game is almost incomprehensible.

    Your thoughts? I can also put my teacher hat on and take questions, as 99% of America is wondering things like "So what the fuck is a caucus?" Don't worry, most people don't understand it even after it's well and thoroughly explained.


    I know this is snarky and unfair, but a little birdie whom I trust dearly and desires anonymity has planted something in my ear.

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    Based on data available to this person, he/she told me that Hillary Clinton is in for a very rude surprise tonight courtesy Obama and Edwards.
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    Take that for what it's worth. But if she finishes 3rd, you can stick a fork in her.

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    On Iowa Caucus Day (for those of you who still can't f'n believe it's on January 3rd, I feel you) I encourage you to give this TalkLeft post a read. It's ostensibly about Mitt Romney, but he's pretty incidental to the point this emphasizes.

    I think this Romney event summarizes just about everything that disgusts and disinterests Americans about contemporary politics. Herein we see Iowa / New Hampshire campaigning at its finest: coreographed photo ops with "normal folk" as props and background. The reporters outnumber the supporters/voters by about 10 to 1, and Romney couldn't be happier about it. After all, they're his intended audience.

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    I can guarantee that if 1000 voters but zero reporters showed up to an event he'd be despondent (unless, of course, it was a fund-raiser).
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    Nothing – and I mean nothing – about this event makes the setting or attendees necessary aside from branding it as "Romney visits common folk in their hovels." The candidates descend on these tiny, godforsaken towns like locusts, devouring every diner, church, and town hall in sight before moving on to the next field. After the caucus/primary, of course, you couldn't pay any of them enough to visit Keokuk or Plover or Waterville Valley again.

    For someone who teaches courses about elections and the presidency, it's remarkable how little attention I can force myself to pay to the election.

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    This process has turned into something nauseatingly cynical and flat-out stupid. The IA/NH dog-and-pony show is essentially a bunch of power-hungry millionaires playing at giving a shit about what us unwashed plebes have to say. They go on expensive "listening tours" and show up at town hall meetings, as though the semantic act of calling something a listening tour while patiently enduring the whining rabble means that the candidates really give a shit. There's nothing quite like the trademark Hillary Clinton rictus – pained, stretched too tight, and threateningly insincere – to make voters think "Wow, she really cares."

    Tomorrow is a day of reckoning for many, but not all, of the candidates. Those who finish anyplace lower than 3rd might as well start writing concession speeches.

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    Their fund raising will slow to a trickle and the campaign will quickly become a money-losing proposition. But despite their immense power, I think Iowa/NH voters feel more stunned than anything else. I can't imagine how two years of this insane media circus could leave anyone feeling more prepared to make a decision. Were I an Iowan, the hypocrisy of the East Coast elite blazing into town, momentarily pretending that they care about the ultimate flyover state, would poison my opinions of everyone involved.


    I know it's corny, but let's talk about our resolutions for 2008. Use the comments to tell us what you're going to do and then we can hold one another to it. In theory. Unlike most blogs, I try to talk about my personal life as little as humanly possible on ginandtacos. You want to read something interesting, not a bunch of shit about my cat, my friends, and how much I drank on Friday night. I don't even have a cat.

    That said, let me state that 2007 was one of the worst years of my life. I started with mononucleosis, then saw an engagement get fouled up, then lost my job, then got it back, then lost it again, then got it back, then contracted two rare illnesses simultaneously, then sputtered academically, and then screwed up another relationship. Most importantly, I saw two friendships I thought would last forever shrivel on the vine. Suffice it to say that by the end of the year it felt a little like I was flying solo through this life. So be it. If I have to go it alone, I'm going to do it well. For the Fat Lady, as Seymour Glass would say.
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    So I committed to this website and as a result the daily hits have doubled in 6 months. I'm proud of that and I thank each and every one of you for reading. Those of you who comment regularly and communicate via email are almost like a circle of people I expect to see around the water cooler every morning.

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    You're appreciated. In 2008 I want to continue to make this blog worth the world's time to read.
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    I also intend to:

  • Buckle down, finish my goddamn dissertation, and make progress in my real calling – warping the minds of undergraduates for pay.
  • Devote an hour a day to writing one of the many book projects I've started and abandoned.
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    Even though I already devote an hour to blogging and numerous hours to academic writing, I still waste enough time watching TV and whatnot to find an hour more.

  • Be more social. I suck at it.
  • Repair, or in some cases continue to repair, the relationships in my life.
  • Keep myself healthy and in a frame of mind that will facilitate all of this.

    So 2008 can't really be worse than 2007 short of someone I love dropping dead (wood knocking). It has to be better. I wish the same for you in all of your endeavors. Let's kick this year's ass together.

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    Perfection is a beautiful thing, and the northeastern US seems to be have had a run of it in 2007. They gave us the World Champion Red Sox, the 16-0 Patriots, and the most flawless 12 months of being a cocksucker ever turned in by a public figure. Congratulations, Joe Lieberman.
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    You are the Tom Brady of being a duplicitous, self-important ass clown. It is rare, in the short history of this award, that a year's winner should be so clear-cut. But aside from a brief challenge from General Saint David Petraeus, it was Holy Joe all the way in 07.

    Mr. Lieberman's intense hunger for Satan's cock was in no way confined to this calendar year, of course. His transition from mild irritant to full-blown asshole began with his primary defeat in 2006, an event that gave America the phenomenon known as Independent Democrat Joe Lieberman. Then, proving that God truy loathes America, the midterm elections made this condescending waste of flesh the deciding vote in an evenly-split Senate.
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    Oh my, how Joe loved that. The Democratic leadership didn't simply have to put up with his continued presence – they had to suck up to him and bend to his every whim.

    Lieberman's cloying, pedantic "bipartisanship" prattle goes a long way towards showing just how far to the right the axis of American political discourse has tilted.
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    Like other "sensible" and "serious" "moderates" like David Brooks, Lieberman's message appears to be "I am a Democrat who just happens to agree with the far right on almost everything, and this proves that I am a better person because I'm so 'open minded' and unrestrained by ideology." Truly did Holy Joe use 2007 to put on a display of collaborationism that would make the Vichy regime – and perhaps even the eponymous Quisling himself – nauseous.

    When he wasn't busy endorsing neocon Republican presidential candidates who are too far to the right for their own damn party, Joe was "busy" chairing the Senate Committee on Homeland Security.
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    Since taking that post he has found it necessary to launch exactly zero investigations into the dozens of examples of ineptitude, omissions, and outright criminality of his pals in the White House. He's such a loyal bobblehead for the far right that Bill Kristol thinks he should be the GOP nominee for VP next year. Now that's an endorsement that every self-respecting "independent" and "Democrat" accepts with pride. When he wasn't busy bragging about how goddamn fabulous everything is going in Iraq he was rhetorically cheerleading for the next war of aggression in the Middle East. When he wasn't busy making sure the troops don't get a break between tours of duty in His war, he was attacking the leader of his own party for talking about withdrawl even in the abstract. He found time to host fund raisers for a vulnerable Republican Senator in the upcoming election, but no time to do any actual research about how His strategy is working in Iraq other than to call Petraeus' critics guilty of treason.

    Joe Lieberman is what he is. He is the Senator from AIPAC, not Connecticut. He is a strident neoconservative, not an "independent." He is a Republican, not a Democrat. And he is a smug, ingratiating cocksucker, not a noble, above-the-fray Bipartisan. While the DNC is probably hoping that either Holy Joe falls off a tall ladder or that the Party's Senate lead increases enough to make him irrelevant, I see no problem in hoping for both.


    So on the heels of the Led Zeppelin reunion show last week – a spectacle so mercenary and horrific that it doesn't merit comment – all I can think about is this:

    I vividly recall seeing this live on SNL as it happened, praying fervently for a rogue asteroid the size of Mount Everest to strike the Earth.


    I happen to be one of a small and ever-shrinking number of Americans with something called "paid vacation." Granted, as an instructor at a public university I do not technically have paid vacation (it is never called that) but I do not have to work for three weeks in December. Or a week for Spring Break. Or three months of summer – although I usually get pressed into service for that one. This is the ultimate "benefit." It is why I and many other graduate students continue to endure the endless politicking, ass-kissing, back-stabbing, and generalized intellectual grab-ass that define academia. It is why I will not make a lot of money in my life, nor will I enjoy much freedom of movement (we go where the jobs are). And I decided, after several years in a grisly, relatively well-paid Real World job, that it is worth it.

    I don't like working. If you do, I humbly submit that there is something wrong with you. Sure, there's the odd person here or there who enjoys their profession. At the very least you might enjoy your job more than the available alternatives. But do you really like working? If you didn't have to do it, would you? Frankly I'd find a lot more fulfilling ways to spend my time even if I had a fantasy fun job. I suppose this makes me "lazy" and responsible for our economy's inability to compete with the Chinese. I could not possibly care less. We were not put on this Earth to make widgets.

    Sometime after, oh, 1980 the consensus in America apparently became that vacation is a vestigial anachronism of Second Wave post-war regulated capitalism (along with things like unions, pensions, and government regulation). It would shock most Americans to learn how different Things are in our neck of the woods when compared to other advanced industrial democracies. Take a serious gander at how we stack up against Europe. Whereas almost every nation in Western Europe mandates at least 20 paid vacation days per annum (that's an entire month of workdays) we here in the Land of Whose Lifestyle the World is So Envious mandate none. As a result, most of us receive exactly that.
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    Even the Japanese, whose mythologized "kamikaze" work ethic was postulated as the explanation for why their industry kicked our ass so badly over the past 20 years, legally mandate 2 weeks.


    "But! But!" says your inner Hannity, "Look at how much less productive their economies are! Look at how horrendously high their taxes are!

    " True. Very true. However, if that was your first reaction I have to wonder…who are you? Is your life really so joyless and your acquisitiveness so severe that you'd willingly trade the 30 paid days off they enjoy in France for the right to pay 30% in federal income tax rather than 45%?
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    How miserable is your home life, and how limited or nonexistent are your interests (outside of shopping) that you would rather make a little more money than have time to enjoy it?

    I'd like you to sound off in the comments for a very informal poll. What do you get in the way of paid vacation?

    And let's not forget holidays. Does your December holiday time consist of getting the 25th off and heading back to work the morning of the 26th? Of all the things that depress me about the direction in which we're headed, I think the worst is that the glories of Third Wave capitalism have instilled in our population the idea that having Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas off from work is good enough. I wonder how many people actually console themselves at the end of another 50-hour week by saying "This is all worth it when I see our GDP." More likely they're drowning their sorrows in the delusion that they'll "make it" in some sort of Horatio Alger ascension to Independent Wealth. Then every day will be a vacation! Good luck with that.