October 30, 2006
As of this morning, I have been alive for 28 years. Quite a miracle, when you stop to think about it. At the close of the 19th century, the global life expectancy for a male was 35 years. In ancient Rome and Greece, life expectancy was 28 years (so Jesus both died young and beat the odds by 5 years). Today, in the three lowest life expectancy nations of sub-Saharan Africa (Swaziland, Lesotho, and Botswana) the average male can expect 32 years on this Earth - compared to 81 in Japan or 77 in the US of A.
Furthermore, my status as a free man here in 'merica is equally remarkable. If you take the cohort of african-american males born in any given year and then check back on them in 28 years, 22% of them will be dead or incarcerated. For white males, the same figure is 4%. Thanks, entrenched social inequality!
I could recount the extensive list of great people who accomplished great things and checked out before they turned 28, but suffice it to say that birthdays cease to be fun once you get out of college. Aside from the fact that you end up working on 5 out of every 7 birthdays after that point, it turns into a rather melancholy reminder that you're A) getting closer to dying and B) you haven't really accomplished anything. No one actually expects you to have done anything when you turn 19. But turning 28 - or 30, or 35, or 40 - and saying "Wow, I make minimum wage and can't really point to anything noteworthy I've done"....well, that's just not worth celebrating.
So here's to 28 years of me. One year closer to losing my hair. If nothing else, I'll celebrate by considering the fact that the national GOP is having to spend millions to protect House seats in Wyoming, Nebraska, and Idaho to be a birthday gift from the Lord. I'll consider the fact that I have to start teaching a 3-hour night class tonight (after my regular 75-minute lecture) to be....what's the opposite of a gift from the Lord?
Oh, right: a swift kick in the nads.
October 26, 2006
What do John Kerry, Evan Bayh, Marty Meehan, Frank Pallone, Bob Andrews, and Lloyd Doggett have in common? They're all 100% safe Democratic incumbents in Congress who are unopposed in 2006. They also have more than $2,000,000 in their campaign funds yet won't kick any of it out to the DNCC or highly competitive races elsewhere.
It's not like the Democratic Party is habitually outspent by the GOP, and it's not as if there are a bunch of competitive or open races going on right now. Heavens no. Evan Bayh certainly doesn't live in a state in which the two most expensive House races in the nation are taking place. Heavens no.
While Kerry and Bayh are hoarding their money for a 2008 Presidential run, the House members sitting on piles of cash right now have no excuses. None. And hoarding for a presidential run isn't exactly a good excuse. We'll remember this in a few years, guys. I'm guessing your fellow Democrats will too. Something tells me that Evan Bayh could afford to pony up half a million bucks for IN-8 and IN-9 and still have plenty of change. And every safe/unopposed/incumbent Democrat in both chambers could easily afford to pony up $500 apiece for ID-1 and WY-At Large. Will they?
October 25, 2006
Voter guides. God, how I love voter guides. They're the very best kind of comedy, and best of all they're free.
If you're not familiar, voter guides are "scorecards" put out by most major politically-active interest groups and non-profits. So, for example, the NRA will distribute guides to its members (and anyone else who's interested) in which incumbents and challengers are rated, either by letter grade or percentage.
Why are they so goddamn funny? Because the "ratings" are based on the select issues of interest to the organization issuing the ratings. And nothing more. So, for example, the NRA voter guide might give Mark Foley a 100% Super-Duper A++ because their ratings only count his votes on gun-related issues. How he votes on anything else (or who he tries to bang) is irrelevant to the NRA. Therein lies the potential for comedy.
To wit: Don Sherwood. If you're not familiar with Congressman Choker, in 2004 his mistress made a 911 call frantically asking for police to come to the hotel where she and Sherwood were screwing. Apparently Donnie saw fit to beat and choke his mistress for reasons known only to him. After attempting to deny that he and Ms. Cynthia Ore were anything but friends, he finally admitted a 5 year extra-marital affair with her.
Sounds pretty "anti-family" in the language of the GOP, doesn't it? Not according to James Dobson! In the eyes of Focus on the Family's Family Research Council, Don Sherwood gets an 85% rating and a strong recommendation. See, as long as the member in question votes appropriately on a small sample of abortion and gay marriage related issues, he or she is pro-family. Amazing, isn't it?
Closeted child molestor? Adulterer? Abuser? Alcoholic? It doesn't matter! Just vote against gay marriage (and for protecting the pledge of allegiance, which is apparently somehow relevant) and you're well on your way to being Offically Certified as Pro-Family. By no less of an authority than James Dobson!
And before you ask, they quickly took Mark Foley off their sheet last week. But fear not, archived copies of the guide reveal that he got a 42%. Not great, but ahead of over 200 Democrats - the overwhelming majority of whom got 0%.
In summary:
October 24, 2006
Now that the national Republican apparatus is starting to realize just how badly things are going to go in November they're attempting to set up a "firewall" in the Senate. That is, they've written off the House. It's already gone. But now they're contingency-planning for the unthinkable, which is losing the Senate as well. As ginandtacos predicted a few weeks ago, the possibility of a 50-50 Senate - or even a small Democratic majority - is very real.
So the GOP has decided to set up its firewall around three (OK, two. More on that in a minute) Senate races to make sure that doesn't happen. States in which it was previously unthinkable that the GOP could lose now need to be saved, triage style, at any cost. Virginia, Tennessee, and Ohio used to be GOP slam-dunks. Now they're desperately trying to hold on.
That means that all pretense of fairness and decency are tossed out the window. Ginandtacos has highlighted how the language of the GOP has resorted to race-baiting, gay-bashing, and rural-urban division in the last few weeks. But it's failing in Ohio. Sherrod Brown has a big lead (as much as 9 to 12 points in recent polls) and that's being written off as a loss per Ken Mehlman's comments on Meet the Press last Sunday.
So they're really, really getting desperate in Virginia (where George "macaca" Allen is treading water) and Tennessee. So desperate, in fact, that they've decided to throw caution to the wind and engage in some blatant racist pandering in the Ford-Corker race.
Now, the ad in question is nowhere near as racist as, say Willie Horton or Helms-Gantt (the most despicable ad of my lifetime, hands down). But really, short of painting someone in blackface and showing them cashing a welfare check while eating watermelon, nothing could be more racist than Helms-Gantt.
Nevertheless, this RNC ad from Tennessee shouldn't feel too bad. It's still really racist! Top work, guys.
Can you believe there are still two more weeks in which this can get worse? I'm really afraid that by early November they'll be making ads that say "Look, if you don't vote Republican, negroes are going to rape your daughter and Jews are going to sacrifice your sons for their heathen blood rituals."
October 23, 2006
Ennoble your internet-instead-of-working time by devoting 8 minutes of your life to watching this.
The Iraqi Army - standing up so we can stand down!(tm)
Freedom is on the march!(tm)
We're winning!(tm)
October 22, 2006

Cost: $6000
Composition: solid steel
Weight: ~400 pounds
Practicality: nil
Being able to do this: priceless
Why play a bass drum when you could be playing a bass drum that's audible from space?
October 19, 2006
I want you all to know that I had an opportunity to be in this man's video and I turned it down. Given that the only other person in the video is a talking hamburger puppet, it looks like everyone else turned down the opportunity too.
October 18, 2006
On the heels of yesterday's post re: the phenomenal level of subtlety among right-wingers, I present some comments from our Vice President.
He offers his standard homage to tax cuts, a warning about how terrorists are still trying desperately “to cause mass death here in the United States” and a derisive cataloging of the various “Dean Democrats,” congressmen including Charles B. Rangel of New York, Henry A. Waxman of California and Barney Frank of Massachusetts, whose influence would grow if the apocalypse came and Democrats took over Congress.The crowd boos. “Don’t hold back,” Mr. Cheney urges.
The crowd laughs.
For those of you who aren't familiar with these more-obscure members of Congress, let me summarize what just happened here. The Vice-President, who I believe is a white guy, stood up in front of a room full of white Christian rednecks in Kansas and told them that if the Republicans lose control of Congress it will hand the nation over to Rangel (black), Waxman (Jewish), and Frank (gay).
Once again, so subtle! Too subtle! Stop with the subtle, it hurts! And so plausibly deniable! "What do you mean? I just picked those three names at random!" There was no intent on our Vice President's part, of course, to gain any mileage from rural redenecked Kansans' feelings about blacks, Jews, and homosexuals. None. In fact, the Vice President isn't even sure how Republican Kansans feel about those groups. Do they dislike them or something?
I can't tell if this is a 2006 midterm election or the 1952 Alabama governor's race.
October 17, 2006
...to ice skate uphill.
Blade's going to jail! Cue Stephen Dorff: "You used to be the Daywalker. Now look at you. You're a little bitch."
You have to hand it to the far right. If nothing else, they're phenomenally subtle.
Case in point: as the Republican loss of power in the House appears inevitable, the NRCC, the RNC, and assorted other right-wing blowhards have started trying to turn the election into a referendum on Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. Part and parcel of this strategy is frequently using the "San Francisco liberal" epithet at every possible opportunity.
Now, Nancy Pelosi is an idiot. Approximately 90 seconds of conversation is more than enough to exhaust her knowledge of any single issue. But in this case I'm more bemused by the Republicans' "clever" rhetorical strategy than I am turned off by Pelosi.
"San Francisco liberal?" Get it? GET IT? (*nudge* *wink*). We know you rural folk don't like them "San Francisco" types! Isn't it awesome how well that term allows you to feign ignorance when people call you a homophobe?
Why, whoever said anything about gays? We were just talking about those "San Francisco" liberals! Hee hee!
Cute. So cute.
October 13, 2006
Here's a story that the raging-liberal American media has done an excellent job of sweeping under the rug to appease the higher-ups in the Pentagon. Apparently the military has devised a new way to stop the reporting of unfavorable information: killing journalists.
Now, it's a bit hypocritical to suddenly be up in arms over the deaths of western journalists at the hands of the US military; they've been lighting up middle eastern journalists by the dozen for three years now. Nevertheless it's pretty shocking to see how the Department of Defense allows its American Heroes to murder journalists for having the gall to actually do investigative journalism (i.e., anything beyond sitting in the Green Zone and regurgitating Pentagon press releases). Top work, guys! These "accidents" have a way of "happening," after all.
October 12, 2006
We're a real band now. After 5 years, we have finally got around to acquiring t-shirts. Buy one (bottom left of the store page). They're reasonably priced, suited for use as cleaning rags, they make great gifts, and they comply with anti-toplessness regulations in all 50 states (and Puerto Rico).

Yes, we'll come up with something that's actually funny next time
Buy a shirt or I'll make 110 dead bodies turn up in Baghdad tomorrow. Oh wait, that'll happen anyway. For the next four years, apparently. But don't let that change the fact that you need to buy a shirt.
October 09, 2006
On the topic of this nuclear test, let me do a little disclosure and say that I am unhealthily obsessed with nuclear weapons and the Cold War. I have 100 Suns as a coffee table book. One of my favorite films is Trinity and Beyond (mit Shatner und Teller!). I've read On the Beach, Warday, and Canticle for Liebowitz a few too many times.
That said, this test was a dud. I'm no expert, but given the reported magnitude of the geological disturbance (variously reported between 3.47 and 4.2 Richter) it was either a phenomenally small bomb or a fizzle on a larger device. Based on a rather casual perusal of the history of underground testing (and yes, I have that site bookmarked) it appears that my suspicion is not totally without merit.
And people way smarter than me are already saying the same thing. So the DPRK may have violated the first rule of gunboat diplomacy - when using weapon tests as saber-rattling, make sure the fucking thing works. But in the long run this doesn't mean much. The gap between partially detonated nuke and functional one is small. It is rumored that they were refining plutonium for an implosion weapon, but if they have the raw materials the average college engineering student could put together a less-complicated (and less-powerful, but simpler to produce) gun-style bomb.
Well, to absolutely no one's surprise, the DPRK is now nukeular. Good thing we've spent the last 3 years pissing away our resources and credibility in Iraq. After all, we had some very reliable Russian intelligence (which turned out to be forged, of course) indicating that they were trying to buy low-grade enriched uraniaum from the Sudan. And aluminum tubes. TUBES, people. Tubes. That's some serious shit.
That obviously posed a much more serious threat than North Korea's real, honest-to-god nuclear weapons program at Yongbon, the existence of which was confirmed during Clinton's first term.
For the record, I hope you're all aware that North Korean nuclear weapons pose no direct threat to the United States. That is, they don't have the capability to deliver them to the lower 48. The Nodong-2 (Ahahaha. No dong. Whee.) is a modified Scud missile, meaning it's about as accurate as a medieval catapult and has barely as much range. The Taepodong-2 is three-stage and has theoretical range to hit the US, but it's yet to experience a successful test. So North Korean ballistic missile technology is just about to the point American technology reached in 1948. Good work, retards.
So the "threat" to the United States is minimal. But Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and American soil in the Pacific rim....that's another story altogether. They might want to stock up on SPF 100,000 sunblock.
Bravo, George. Thanks for being officially asleep at the switch on this one.
October 06, 2006
There's only one thing a blogger can do in response to a post that bores the living shit out of everyone who lays eyes on it - do a follow-up a few months later.
So now that the primaries are over, let's take another look at them there Senate races. I'll take a look at my predictions from May, make fun of them where appropriate, and talk about where we stand for November 8. Please note that I'm getting poll numbers from a number of excellent sources of aggregated public opinion research, including this one, Rasmussen, and Real Clear.
Discussing how things don't look to rosy for the GOP at this point is fruitless, breeds over-confidence, and promotes eventual disappointment. Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity. Don't forget that about 35% of this country will vote Republican no matter what. Dennis Hastert could go on C-SPAN and snort lines of coke off a 14 year-old page's ass and he'd still get a few hundred thousand pro-life votes.
So don't get cocky.
That said, Republicans in every close Senate race are losing. But polls are a cruel mistress. Let's see where the individual races stand.
These races feature incumbents that are somewhat safe but have either strong challengers or could be in trouble if the GOP suffers too much at the national level.
This election features an uncharacteristically high number of incumbents in serious trouble. A few are actually underdogs in their respective races, and the rest are burning through their state's supply of Tums and Early Times whiskey.
The following races feature no incumbent. For the most part they are middle-of-the-road states, which guarantees that almost all of the open seat races will be barn-burners.
That results in totals of 12 GOP, 21 Democratic. The GOP gains NJ, while the Democrats pick up PA, OH, RI, and MT. Which would give you a Senate of 52 GOP, 48 Democrats (including Sanders-VT and Lieberman-CT with the Democrats).
Please note that it is only with great hesitation and in fear of being excessively partisan that I gave MO to Talent. McCaskill has the lead right now, as does Menendez in NJ. Harold Ford also leads Corker in TN. By calling those races Republican at the moment, I'm trying to balance out recent anecdotal examples of polling that is overly favorable to the Democratic Party. But if the polls are accurate, then it's 51 Democrats and 49 GOP. And let's not forget "Macaca" Allen, who isn't exactly on solid ground....52-48?
Then the real fun begins. The GOP will go absolutely ape-shit putting a full-court press on Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Lieberman (I-CT) to switch parties. Nelson was previously offered a cabinet post in the Bush administration, and we know Lieberman is the White House's pal. If the Senate is either tied or weakly held by the Democrats (a 51-49 scenario) party switching is going to be a real hot topic for a few weeks. If only I could get my article on it published (shameless self promotion).
October 05, 2006
Woodward's "State of Denial" is by no means a bad book. Nor is it a book you'd fail to find informative and thoughtful. I'm just not convinced that you will learn all that much new information. And there are easier, cheaper, and quicker ways to get yourself all pissed off. Like clicking here. Did it work? Isn't that amazing?
At the risk of getting nasty phone calls from Woodward's lawyers (don't worry guys, this site has like 4 readers), let me spoilerize the book:
1. George W. Bush is completely surrounded with yes-men, and he immediately expunges anyone who questions (or fails to affirm) his pre-programmed conception of reality like a body rejecting a donor organ.
2. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are far, far more concerned with handing out war profiteering deals from the "Rebuilding Iraq" cookie jar than they are with the constant stream of contradictory information from people on the ground.
3. The Neocon Economic Year Zero for Iraq plan has very quietly been admitted an abject failure. For example, the book's subjects are shocked to learn that terminating the jobs of 400,000 people who worked for the Iraqi government without offering alternative employment (because Iraq was a lab experiment to show that the private sector will do that, kids!) has resulted in A) abject poverty and B) a whole lot of those destitute people heading over to the insurgent camp so they could be, you know, fed and clothed. And sorry Bob, Naomi Klein nailed this one a long time ago.
Now, did you really not know any of that? Spend your time on the internet doing much more important and hilarious things.
ps - 22 American soldiers, mostly Marines, killed in Iraq in the last 72 hours. But it's alright, killing Zarqawi was the nail in the coffin of the insurgency.
October 04, 2006
Pull up a chair and watch the GOP House leadership try to turn Mark Foley's fiasco into Watergate or Iran-Contra: that is, who knew what and when did they know it?
In essence, Hastert, Reynolds, et al are arguing that they didn't have access to the "sexually explicit" electronic messages Foley sent to underage male pages until after his resignation. Prior to that, they merely knew that he had "overly friendly" communication with the pages. Which is apparently OK.
To sum up: it is alright for a married, 50 year-old Congressman in the party that practically trips over itself bringing up "family values" every 10 minutes to hit on or otherwise get "overly friendly" with 16 year old boys so long as any communication is not sexually explicit. It's OK to be creepy, just don't leave any smoking-gun evidence. Intellectually, this argument (coming forth from Hastert, Boehner, and Reynolds) means that the leadership is not concerned with whether or not Foley's behavior was inappropriate. They were concerned about how much evidence he left behind and whether or not they could safely ignore it. Plausible deniability. Iran-Contra.
This is officially gut-check time for the GOP. Do Republican voters hold their party accountable to the family values they hold dear? Or do they just ignore the fact that their leaders don't give two flying fucks about family values but instead are willing to say, do, and conceal anything and everything in the interest of maintaining power?
I think the answer is obvious - they blame it all on the Democrats and stay the course.
October 02, 2006
I think it's clear that we need some sort of official seal. Need no more.