Hi, everyone!

I had such a damn good post planned for today. Long story short, after a few days of neither eating nor sleeping I couldn't muster the energy.

Oh, don't worry. I didn't sleep instead of writing.
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I just stayed up preparing for (another godforsaken) conference and trying mightily to decide two key questions:

1. Should my conference presentation be given in the voice of a 1930s newsreel narrator (fast talkin', high trousers) or a Victorian era carny barker?

2. Is there any conceivable reason for me to continue getting out of bed in the morning?
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(Trick question. I'm rarely in a bed.)

Anyway, I'll try to get this oversold post written at some point today, hot and ready to underwhelm your elevated expectations.


Since the posts from Monday and Tuesday are traveling well and I am on my way out of town for a(nother godforsaken) conference, I'll be brief today.

One of my new favorite hobbies is reading the comment sections of news stories on local newspapers' websites. In particular I am infatuated with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel comment sections, as I have been reading their site regularly for Walker-related updates. Generally speaking, though, I've found that the comments get more amazing in inverse proportion to the size of the newspaper. Sheboygan Daily Haystack > Journal-Sentinel > Wall Street Journal.

We all know that internet comment sections tend to be a crapshoot, from excellent on low-volume blogs to soul-crushing on megasites like YouTube, Yahoo News, and so on. I continue to maintain that YouTube comments are where hope for humanity goes to die. At least we can reassure ourselves that many YouTubers are children; on AOL/Yahoo type news items they are adults, legally if not mentally.

As I read through Journal-Sentinel comments – consider this excellent thread on the Walker-fake Koch prank call story – I am preoccupied with the same question: Who are these people? I mean, what is the profile of a person who sits around all day posting comments on the poorly trafficked website of a local newspaper?

In my mind I break this demographic down into three categories:

1. The elderly. Having finally figured out how to work the internets but not how to make their children call them to listen to inane ranting, they direct said ranting at what they imagine to be a large audience that treats their words with the reverence due true wisdom.

2. Shut-ins. I picture a 475 pound laid-off welder at a screen door factory in Menominee, WI running the electricity in his double-wide off a hotwired pile of stolen truck batteries, furiously pounding away at the keyboard on his 2002-vintage Gateway Internet PC. Mountains of anger, rage, and misspelling incarnate.

3. Fat-assed suburban right wingers posting from their cubicles at Midstate Office Supply about how lazy union workers are. The irony of being on the clock at work while wasting hours on end on the internet – stealing, in essence – does not occur to them. Many of them are fundamentalists and not terribly bright, and fundamentalism + stupidity = complete inability to appreciate irony.

I feel like there is something I'm missing. But seriously, this is worth repeating: Who are these people???


So help me Jeebus, I was going to try to FJM this but…I just…can't. Hopefully by the time you get to the end you will understand why.

First, nothing that greets the reader with this is going to be good. I dare you to click to enlarge it.

Yes, apparently World Nut Daily now brings us the unfiltered, unedited thoughts of former bad comedienne and current bloated corpse Victoria Jackson. Ordinarily I'd go with excerpts but I wouldn't want you to miss any of the good parts.

Frankly, I'm afraid to say anything about Muslims. Why? Because they kill people.

Maybe that's why the liberals kiss up to them – fear. I can't wait to see Katie Couric do a story on the new Muslim women's magazine al-Qaida just put out!

Katie: Why, look at this! "Al Shamikha." It means "The Majestic Woman"! What a lovely magazine!

Veiled Woman (only eyes showing): Yes, this is our new magazine.

Katie: It's so beautiful! And glossy! And the articles are so relevant! Here's a beauty tip! Stay indoors and veiled at all times. Your skin will look like baby skin! Oh! I should try that! I have all these freckles!

Veiled Woman: Yes. Our ways should be everyone's ways.

Katie: Oh! And, look! How to raise a suicide bomber! I could use that! I've never thought of … well, too bad my girls are already grown! Maybe I can use this on my grandchildren! Thank you so much! You are so beautiful!

Veiled Woman: Allahu Akbar!

Katie: I've heard that before! Wasn't it Fort Hood?! Oh, we must go to a commercial! Be right back after this word from Coppertone Sunscreen, the skin care for pre-Muslims!

Why do liberals embrace Shariah law even though "beheading your wife" seems to go against the feminist movement's mantra? Why do liberals embrace Islam knowing it frowns on homosexuality?

Because they have the same goals. Progressives, communists, liberals, globalists and Muslims want to destroy America. When that goal is reached, they will fight for top billing. It will be bloody.

A jaw-dropping expose on the six-month undercover operation that revealed the true terror-supporting nature of CAIR: "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."

The whole Middle East conflict began back in the Old Testament. Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. They are still fighting over who gets the "birthright." Genesis 16:12 says Ishmael will be a "wild man." I try to stay away from violence, and I wouldn't even be thinking about Islam except that they keep jumping in front of my face. No one talked about Islam when I grew up. How did they all suddenly appear in America?

My friend was a flight attendant in the Middle East in the '80s. Isn't that when we started giving them a lot of money for oil? She told me that the Arabs on her flights were suddenly covered with money and didn't know what to do with it; they gave the flight attendants Rolexes for tips; they were doing cocaine in the back with hookers. I guess they were "backslidden" Muslims. That's a Baptist word for someone temporarily not obeying the rules of their faith. And speaking of Baptists … why can't the "good, peaceful Muslims" denounce the actions of the "bad, violent" Muslims? I'm Baptist, and I denounce the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church. They are not living the way Jesus taught – but the opposite. Maybe, just maybe the "good" Muslims approve of what the "bad" Muslims are doing! Maybe they are celebrating it, funding it and cheering them on.

After the murder of a Jewish settler, his wife and his children in their Itamar home, Palestinians all over Gaza and the West Bank celebrated with street parties, passing out candy and sweets. It's not just "terrorists" who celebrate the bloody death of Jews.

A congressional committee met last week to discuss the radicalization of Muslims. My friend Jim says, "What's responsible for radicalizing the Muslims?! The Quran!"

This website says that whole "kill the infidel" thing, Sura 9:5, is misquoted, taken out of context. Really? Then why do the Muslim murderers shout "Allahu Akbar!" before they kill people? Go here to see what the Quran really says.

This whole thing is ridiculous. The liberal media praises Imam Rauf, who has terrorist ties, while it attacks patriot Pamela Geller for standing up and saying, "Don't build a victory mosque on the very spot Muslims killed 3,000 innocent Americans!" You must see her movie, "The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of 911 Attacks."

The Muslims want to tear down the Statue of Liberty! It's an "idol."

The Muslims don't want their "hijab" searched at the TSA. They are "modest." They've been advised to refuse the "pat down" and the "naked scan" and pat themselves down! Napolitano hasn't yet decided what to do. Heaven forbid they be treated like the rest of us! This is ridiculous! How many bombs do you think you can hide under one of those big, black sheets?

The Muslims are exempt from Obamacare because of dhimmitude. Muslims consider insurance "gambling."

This new al-Qaida magazine for women has beauty tips and suicide-bomber tips! Gimme a break! That is as ridiculous as two men kissing on the mouth! And I don't care what is politically correct. Everyone knows that two men on a wedding cake is a comedy skit, not an "alternate lifestyle"! There I said it! Ridiculous!

Did you see "Glee" this week? Sickening! And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians – again! I wonder what their agenda is? Hey, producers of "Glee" – what's your agenda? One-way tolerance?

Truth has no agenda. – Glenn Beck

Reading the news (the facts, not the liberal media lies) online these days is like watching a comedy horror film. Oh, and speaking of cartoons, my hand keeps trying to draw one, but I keep slapping it! I am afraid of those people!

And, one more thing, how come it's OK for everyone to take my God's name in vain and use it as a curse word, but you can't say a word about their guy?! Not fair! It's our country – live by our rules! Ridiculous!

Lastly, Adul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, where the U.S. president told him that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic toward the Muslim agenda.

Now, whether or not that is true doesn't matter. Though "O" says "57 states" and bows to Arabs, and prays with them (to Allah) while nixing our National Day of Prayer (to God), and though "O" leaves out the words "by our Creator," etc., I personally think he's a secular humanist … with a Muslim background.

But, that doesn't matter. The fact is we are in a war with no name, fighting an enemy that lives on our soil now, next door to us. Not only are they plotting our demise, but laughing at our stupidity, mocking our open arms and freedom, demanding rights above our own and soon the transformation of our churches and synagogues into mosques. President Obama is not helping us. He's helping them.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on our side. This week they delivered oral arguments in the New York State Supreme Court to stop the building of the Ground Zero Victory Mosque. Help the ACLJ help us.

Is your liquefied brain running out of your ears yet? It's cute that she explicitly stated "Now, whether or not that is true doesn't matter." at one point, as that idea is implicit in everything Victoria Jackson has ever said, written, or thought.


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It's pointless, of course, yet a very interesting look at how far technology has brought us in a relatively short time.


Unfortunately the long post will have to wait for Wednesday (it's laden with arcane historical references and thus totally worth it) but for now, please note this comment from Larry "I might run for the Senate" Kudlow on CNBC regarding the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake / tsunami / volcano / meltdown / apocalypse:

In these tough economic times, isn’t it nice to know that calamitous natural disasters needn't have an adverse affect on your investment portfolio? After the 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan failed to induce a market nosedive, CNBC’s Larry Kudlow expressed his relief in terms that seemed to appall even his fellow cheerleaders for capitalism: “The human toll here,” he declared, “looks to be much worse than the economic toll and we can be grateful for that.”

Kudlow issued a perfunctory apology, stating that he "flubbed" the line he intended to say. That is possible. It is also possible that this reflects how people of his political-economic mindset see the world.

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I had a comedy show Tuesday night so regrettably I have to do a post that falls short of the usual in terms of length, originality, and overall cromulence. Some quick links and other things mixed up into a salad of mediocrity, because who doesn't love salad?

1. There is a stunningly large number of "comedians" in 2011 who base their acts on A) imitating ethnic voices (and not in a remotely sarcastic / satirical way; in the straight "Hey, Asians talk real funny!

" way) and B) how women are stupid bitches who should shut up and stop yapping so much. Sometimes I feel like I am surrounded by the smartest people in the world when I'm doing comedy. Other times I feel like it's 1957 and I'm watching Henny Youngman's opening act do the late show in the Catskills.

2. I saw my pal Matt Gilbert, who is balls funny but didn't have his best night, absolutely destroy a heckler. Hecklers are best ignored or briefly mocked, but this person definitely deserved what she got. It reminded me of the excellent documentary Heckler, which explores the issue in depth. It's amazing how ignorant some people are. Even when the performers suck, the $5 you paid at the door does not give you carte blanche to get hammered on appletinis and start yelling shit at people on the stage.

3. Mike – yes, THE Mike Konczal, the famous guy from Time Magazine – nails this discussion of one of the biggest but least-discussed problems with the current labor market. The understandable focus on unemployment obscures the even bigger issue: a lot of the jobs that are still around suck. They suck not merely from the perspective of being low paid and offering no security or benefits.
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They suck because they're petty, dehumanizing, dull, dangerous, mindless, and generally demeaning. Kinda undercuts that whole "Dignity of Work" argument, no? No one who has worked a minimum wage service industry job would argue that it's a positive, character building experience, even compared to sitting at home with one's thumb stored rectally.

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4. Way to not sound like a cranky, out-of-touch old white guy, Alan Simpson:

I think, you know, grandchildren now don't write a thank-you for the Christmas presents, they're walking on their pants with the cap on backwards listening to the enema man and Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dogg, and they don't like them.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that this stuff is real, that I live in a world where this person has power and I am not merely hallucinating.


Benjamin Franklin, in a 1779 letter to a friend in France:

When I was a child of seven years old, my friends, on a holiday, filled my pocket with coppers. I went directly to a shop where they sold toys for children; and being charmed with the sound of a whistle, that I met by the way in the hands of another boy, I voluntarily offered and gave all my money for one.
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I then came home, and went whistling all over the house, much pleased with my whistle, but disturbing all the family. My brothers, and sisters, and cousins, understanding the bargain I had made, told me I had given four times as much for it as it was worth; put me in mind what good things I might have bought with the rest of the money; and laughed at me so much for my folly, that I cried with vexation; and the reflection gave me more chagrin than the whistle gave me pleasure.

This, however, was afterwards of use to me, the impression continuing on my mind; so that often, when I was tempted to buy some unnecessary thing, I said to myself, Don’t give too much for the whistle; and I saved my money.

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As I grew up, came into the world, and observed the actions of men, I thought I met with many, very many, who gave too much for the whistle.

This should be mandatory reading – preferably re-read to the point of memorization – for anyone thinking about starting a Ph.

D. program.