The cycle of Trump-related allegation and disclosure is so predictable as to be tedious at this point.
Start by loudly (and unconvincingly, of course) arguing for an extended period of time that you absolutely did not do what you've been accused of doing. After a few weeks, soften it up by suggesting that maybe someone else might have done it – certainly not you though – and if that was the case you had no idea, none at all, that it was being done by someone else.
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What? Irrefutable evidence? OK well yeah it turns out I did it, I knew all along.
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In fact the whole idea was mine and it was directed personally from minute one.
But it's not even illegal! I did it because why wouldn't I do it?
Everyone does it. It's not illegal at all to do it.
Just because there are laws against something doesn't make it illegal if it's a thing everybody does all the time.
Fucking tiresome.