September 10, 2004
I received the following email from "CJ" at after we had to ban her IP because she left about 50 comments on our webpage - every one identical - from midnight to 5 AM the other evening. Truly, this is a person with a lot of time on her hands, and very little she is capable of doing with it.
Due to its extreme length, I understand you may not wish to read this in its entirety. Suffice it to say it contains numerous insults I last heard in second grade and more than enough information to get this person committed for some badly needed psychiatric care. As a refresher, here is a quick photo of the sender:

Hi Edwina,
You need to understand that you are still my bitch. I am only mildly amused
that you would block me from posting on your site as I have access to multiple
computers and servers. not to mention dozens and dozens of Internet friends.
So your blocking me is only an admission that you were defeated by a stupid
camwhore? college boy? well, think about this bitch, I know more about this
Internet technology, computer technologies, and many ways to circumvent your
bitch existence. Your biggest mistake was stereotyping us cam-girls I for one
am a bartender / server administrator / web designer / ASP scriptor / college
graduate/ I come from a stable background / have a stable future / and
couldn't possibly think as slow as you.
Just to let you know why I was mildly amused by your blocking my IP and so not concerned because I instantly came up with the work around. the resolve is so exciting for me that I did not even need to do it yesterday, instead I threw
myself a parade and celebrated.
So, since you feel so out-classed by my existence on your site. (which is
entirely your doing) I think that it is only fair to remove all my posts, not
just the ones that bruise your ego, all posts about me and other cam-girls and
all of the stolen (copyright) material of mine/ours
Or you stop blocking my IP and deal with me pussy boy. but remember I am
only being diplomatic and offering you the opportunity to be a man and deal
with what you started. In the event that you fail to comply with my offer I
will systematically attack your existence via the following vehicles.
1.) I will take3 minutes and start installing random nic cards that I have
laying around into my desktop to change my nic IP ipconfig/release
ipconfig /renew
2.) I will start logging on random servers and posting from them (eventually I
will run out servers)
3.) I will start utilizing clients computers via remote access and posting (
this will be short lived too but effective)
4.) I will link your site and your administrative information in the many
forums I post to explaining the situation about my bitch Edwina and her
attacks on me and other cam-girls and ask them to post insults to
your forum and download every picture on your site thus driving up your
bandwidth costs and clog up your forums with insults to Edwina the JERKOFF
Bitch. (I hope it will go this far)
5.) I will contact GIANTWEBSPACE.COM and let them know that you are displaying copyrighted material from my site and demand they shut you down until it is removed (and they will, they have no choice) because you are in violation of their terms of service.
So dumbass, you should size up your opponents before sticking your finger in
thier eye. Either have me on site entirely and deal with it or remove all
information about me and be done, because removing my posts was cowardly I
have never witnessed such a pussy move in the forums, you are still the
weakest link bitch. I am truly sorry that my replies to your attack popped
your ego-trip via your forum, that is if you can call it a forum, it is
nothing but a collection copyright infringement as you can not write an
original idea or thought.
Let the games begin.... but in my time, my will, and my choosing.
Ms. Diseased Pussy, PLEASE, for the love of god, skip directly to #5. Call our webhost as soon as you possibly can. And I'm glad you interpreted the fact that YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND and we blocked your IP because YOU ARE FUCKING DERANGED AND HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN POST 10000 COMMENTS HERE as a sign that you have "defeated" us. Yes, you got us. If your point was to be psychotic and annoying in a way no one ever could have predicted, you have won.
Thank you for turning this brief exercise in mocking some random girl I found on a google search into your fucking life's purpose. We are your windmill.
So, yeah, seems to have attempted to take on the amateur internet porn community.
Please don't be shocked, readers. If you scroll down you will, in fact, see pornographic material. If you are at work, I would suggest you make sure no one is looking over your shoulder.
Due to recent events, and due to the large number of hits recieved last night between the hours of 11pm and 5am, we are are unfortunately forced to expand our terms of service (TOS)
1. The recommended viewing posture for is with two hands on the keyboard, or failing that, one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse.
2. All readers are advised to be wearing pants.
3. Please, at no point in time is it acceptable to masturbate to
Although we are aware that there is no way for us to enforce these rules, please be respectful of our rules and regulations.
for our protection, please spent at least 5 minutes looking at this only marginally pornographic picture before proceeding.
Courtesy of our friends over at
I've shit out things more attractive than that. I wonder what manner of guy gives money randomly to the busted girls on the internet? I mean, it's already a matter of degrees: there are, you know, normal people who talk to actual live humans, and then there are creepy guys who sit around and stalk hot girls on the internet.
But what kind of guy stalks the ones who have bodies like Gumby and could probably drive a Winnebago up the vadge they use to get people to like them? Is there some subcategory of guy who is somehow not "cool" enough for the decent looking internet porn headcases?
Perhaps ginandtacos should branch out into this booming Ugly Porn's like the Valley of Broken Toys, only more saggy and shapeless.
So. This exists., specifically. The website consists of a girl (who apparently makes a living selling naked pics of her roach-infested snatch on the internet) soliciting money to fix her crappy tattoos. According to her main site, (beware that she is an "evil zombie punk sex fiend" before visiting), this intellectual giant was a squatter, and in the process got some bad tattoos. As you can see from the photos she has provided, this is one point on which Ms. Kitty and will agree: her tattoos are fucking horrendous.
Nautical stars - that's original....were they out of "celtic" and "barbed wire"? The "daddy's girl" on the lower back is a nice touch, reminding whoever's banging her that she's underage, at least mentally. And how she plans to fix a large 'tribal' tattoo on her throat, I haven't a clue.
Theoretically, I'd support someone fixing up bad tattoos. But take a look at the "current goals" page to see what she wants to replace them with. Here, I'll save you the effort:

Listen. One does not replace bad tattoos with worse tattoos. Unless you're an evil zombie punk sex fiend, that is. I fear that this is only the beginning in a cycle of solicitations to cover christ-rapingly bad tattoos with worse ones, on and on, until she finally dies huffing paint. The main site already consists solely of about 100 separate linked requests to send this complete stranger money. Her right to be tattooed must be revoked until her judgment of "good" vs "bad" tattoos improves, lest society bear the cost of fixing them in perpetuity.
On a final note, check out the "contributers" (nicely misspelled) page. Now. Let us assume these are not fictional. Let us open our vast imaginations and visualize what manner of neurotic, obese loser would send this person money with nothing more than porn as a reward. I'm sure that it is not difficult to find naked pictures of her on the internet without money changing hands, guys.
Congratulations, Jessie Kitty: evil zombie punk sex fiend. officially certifies that when you die, the coroner will list your cause of death as "God fixing his mistake".