The muckrakers over at Pravda USA have provided yet another example of their unique brand of hard-hitting journalism, running a non-sequitur "story" entitled "List of Thwarted Terror Attacks Since Sept. 11" apropos of absolutely nothing. Even for the average copy writer this must have required several bouts of pride-swallowing. Such a difficult job – they must continually propagandize about how much safer we are thanks to Our Leader (and waterboarding!) while simultaneously reminding us that we are in great danger. But let's leave that little inconsistency alone for the moment.
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Note the introductory copy: "The following is a list of known terror plots thwarted by the U.S. government since Sept. 11, 2001."

And then the first entry is Richard 'Shoe Bomber' Reid. Um, if my memory serves, Reid was "thwarted" by two things: the fact that he's apparently unable to operate matches and a doctor/passenger who sedated him. By what stretch of the imagination and poetic license did "the U.S. government" thwart that attempt? Why let reality interrupt a propaganda narrative, I suppose.

This list appears to consist of either unsubstantiated charges (note Jose Padilla, who is "accused of seeking a dirty bomb", a charge so baseless that it was not mentioned once in the criminal trial or conspiracy charges of which he was convicted) or the sorriest excuses for "terrorism plots" that we could imagine. It's sad and pitiable how desperate the right is to wave around some War on Terror / Patriot Act / Wiretapping / Waterboarding success story. It has them digging up every nutcase who ever dreamed of committing an act of terrorism and hoping that we won't object to how low they set the bar for defining a realistic or credible threat.

Let's see, there's Dhiren Barot, who "plotted" to bomb financial centers. He was arrested with no funding, no promise of funding, no vehicles related to an attack, no bombs, and no bomb-making materials. Who could forget Iyman Faris, the Brooklyn Bridge terrorist:

Faris' investigations into obtaining the necessary tools for the dual-operation involved asking a friend where he might purchase welding equipment, and researching the structure of the bridge on the internet. He concluded that the operation was unlikely, and sent a message back to Pakistan calling off the plot.

Looks like he "thwarted" himself! But not before he engaged in detailed planning like typing "Brooklyn Bridge" into Google and asking a friend where he might purchase a blowtorch. America may never know how close it came to tragedy. The list goes on to dredge up FBI "successes" like the so-called Sears Tower Plot and Fort Dix Plot. Nevermind that those two groups of beyond-amateurish retards couldn't have successfully planned and executed a fucking 7-11 robbery. They talked about blowing up the Sears Tower, ergo the threat was REAL! If you had a spare two hours to research each of the items on the list, you would come away with a very different perspective on the nature and extent of the threats these incidents actually posed. But Fox News knows that you won't.

The right-wing media's zealous efforts to convince you that you are in imminent danger have officially jumped the shark. Their narrative would have you believing that America was on the cusp of tragedy in these instances, saved only by George Bush, Waterboarding, Domestic Spying, School Vouchers, and No Child Left Behind. Personally, I don't think "fear" describes how I feel when I read about a guy who did some Google/Wikipedia reading and became convinced that he could not in fact destroy the Brooklyn Bridge with a blowtorch. "Amused" might be a better term.
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One thought on “SETTING THE BAR”

  • Others have pointed out elsewhere–Keith Olbermann practically mentions the fact nightly–that the administration and its talking-points-disseminators have really clicked on the whole "Absence of Proof is Not Proof of Absence" thing. Indeed, they've learned that "Absence of Proof" can easily be paraded as "Successfully Preventing The Nefarious Circumstances Under Which Proof Would Have Been Produced." By their reasoning, the fact that no major terrorist attack has occurred since 9/11 is evidence of their success at preventing such an attack, and indeed, by such logic, we ought also to be thanking them for foiling both attacks by radioactive sea serpents *and* invaders from planets beyond the stars.

    But it's kind of boring to point to a track record where 'success' is measured in non-events, so occasionally they feel the need to throw us a bone in the form of "planned" attacks they've "discovered just in time." Such minimal, laughable crumbs are the frame by which their 'pattern' of unbroken success becomes visible. And proves that we need to keep–or step up–our countermeasures.

    And while the story is old, old, old, there's a problem: When you're shameless enough, it doesn't matter. The electorate is spineless enough to be handed sludge, told it's ice cream, know that it's sludge, and swallow it anyway. By now, Bush & Co. are riding the gravy train of low expectations–where we once didn't care because we trusted them, we now don't care because we don't expect any better. Win-win for them, yes?

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