Two NPF questions for the gentle readers.

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1. So, hypothetically, if I were to print up some ginandtacos swag (maybe t-shirts?
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coffee mugs?) would anyone be interested or would I just have a big box of them in my garage until I die?

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Would you be more likely to want something relatively plain or something with a crude, utterly side-splitting joke on it?

2. A strange thing be goin' on these days…ginandtacos' views are way up but the comments aren't. If I'm being boring or talking about un-comment-worthy topics, I would certainly hope that someone would tell me.

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Honesty is the best policy.


23 thoughts on “STRIKING IT RICH”

  • I rarely comment because I fear being torn to shreds by your rapier wit. That said, I thoroughly enjoy this blog and hope to see you keep it up.

    A gratuitous swag purchase would depend entirely on price. $15 T-shirts are reasonable, $30 is too much.


  • Are they good quality t-shirts? How about a silk-screened shaker instead of a mug, or at least a shot glass or jigger. I totally enjoy the commentary and enjoy the daily dose of intelligence. I comment when I'm drunk. :-)

  • i've paid 15 dollars for a lamer idea. I mean, I'd probably pay 15 dollars for a "Barbershop 2' tshirt. or anything Lifetime related (and NOT in irony).

  • i have absolutely no idea how it works…but doesn't cafepress do some sort of on demand thing…so you wouldn't have to order a whole box and avoid the inventory till death.

    i've enjoyed this blog for two years now…and just started commenting…guess that makes me special.

  • Alright, I'll admit it. I spend each and every day going around to every open computer in my office (and my university as a whole) that I can find and opening Ginandtacos. I sometimes open it on as many as 3000 computers a day.

    So all those views? Just me, I'm afraid.

  • As for comments, I've been silent because over the past few days you've been posting about scary numbers-related matters, about which I can say nothing, on account of, in order to get my English degree, I had to have all my basic math skills surgically removed. And, to quote Wittgenstein, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one should seriously shut the f*** up." (I think his editors made him tone it down in the printed version.)

    As for whoring yourself out to the foul gods of merchadising, hell yes I'm on board with that–happy to be an enabler. Plainer would be better for me, and, indeed, you: if it's *too* outre' I won't be able to bring it to office hours, thereby prompting my students to say "That's cool–where'd you get it," thereby enabling me to proselytize the Message of Ed.

  • T-shirts? Meh.
    Bumper stickers/Decals? …Nah.

    now, NOW we're talkin'!!

    Unique sites require though provoking/quizzical merch.

  • I seriously doubt my ability to sell more than one fez. But I will take your suggestion, broadly construed, under consideration.

    CafePress sucks. Yes, it's nice to have the print-on-demand capabilities, but everything I've ever ordered from CP looks like it was made with one of those DIY iron-on decal sets they advertise on Saturday morning cartoon shows.

  • Hell yes to the merchandise.

    I've been coming for about two years and only just started posting. I post when I can and when I think I have something to add, which seems to be the MO around here.

    Which is nice, for a change, in the blogosphere

  • T-shirt with a Gin bottle and a skull. In the end, 3xl is all I ask.

    (though I have noticed "cool" people try to keep it to xl and smaller, as it seems fat dudes make your swag uncool, and may affect sales).

    F**k it, I'll make my own.

  • Print some t-shirts with a good old-fashioned "Where fist is a verb" slogans on them, and I will definitely buy at least several.

  • I only comment when I have something to say. I'm not an economist, so commenting on your economy stuff (while great to read), would just be me shooting my mouth off.

  • Commenting is a touchy thing. If you posted "::insert name:: is a l00ser lol" Hurricane WTF would crash ashore on the comment board. If you write something that is widely agreed with, then not many people are going to post "nod."

    There are companies that rock right the fuck out when it comes to minimum t-shirt orders. I've been talking to Level 13 Apparel for my film label, and they're very reasonable – minimum order of 18 only, which eliminates the crate problem. Their website is: They mostly do shirts, but I guess they do patches and buttons too.

    I can just see GnT patches in the high school hallways now.

  • Perhaps consider posting a design and taking pre-orders to avoid the leftover problem?

    I would enjoy a shirt! I definitely think shot glasses/shakers/booze-related items are a good idea. (Unless you can get us tacos?) Patches/buttons/stickers would be OK, but I think shirts and booze accessories are the way to go.

    I am pretty psyched about G&T merch, let me tell you!

    As far as the comment thing goes, it's like Rick said: I agree with you most of the time and it limits what I have to say in the comments. Ahaha. That, or, as some others have said, I'm really interested in what you're saying but I don't know enough about it to post more. ^_^;;

  • Unfortunately, I only post when I've been drinking or am otherwise feeling like shooting my mouth off like an anonymous asshole, which I think comes off like trolling but I'm really trying to say, "I care."

    About buying stuff, if you made stuff I would commit – I said Commit – to buying something. I agree that CafePress stuff tends to look all the same anyway. (Besides, how many thongs can a guy buy??) And, like Jude, I'd be down for more unusual things. Make that 2 fezes!! Otherwise I'll take a t-shirt. Your cleverness is half the reason I read this site, so I suppose I would appreciate a good slogan, but I had to pack away all my t-shirts with swears when my kids learned to read, so … so that would influence my decision. Subtle swears are okay.

  • I tried to leave a comment the other day about the subprime mess and wasn't able to. I got a message about an anti-spam thing.

  • Been reading this site pretty much since it started. If you make a tee-shirt that says "shut up and drink the gin", I will buy it.

  • I would also be up for buying some swag — not a t-shirt; I'm another fattie fat fatty who can't fit in the usual shirt sizes — maybe some alcohol-related glasses or a mug or whatever.

    I check this site every day and love reading what you have to say, but I don't comment much because you write about stuff I want to learn about but am not always terribly familiar with yet. So I tend to be in "Learn & Absorb & Have Thoughts Provoked" mode rather than "Shoot Off at Mouth" mode here.

    Which is to say, keep up the good work and please please continue to post every day!

  • Afraid to comment says:

    Your responses to comments seem mean. Just sayin'. I know it's not what you want to hear but you intimidate people with your posts and then when they try to comment you duke it out with them if its not what you want to hear. That's no fun for readers. Well unless the comments are REALLY stupid. Then its warranted.

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