Sorry for back-to-back short posts, but aren't you basically ceding the argument that your party is composed of elitists and sociopaths when you have to send out a memo instructing Republican members of Congress on how to sound like they have compassion for the unemployed? There was a neat book written a while back about people who have to learn how to act like they have emotions. Maybe the House GOP should read it for book club.
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14 thoughts on “CASE-RESTING”

  • middle seaman says:

    Democrats should have insisted on extending unemployment payments on the initial agreement. They don't care much either.

  • "New Democrats" are intentionally more like "GOP lite", a progressive would not be able to accumulate sufficient campaign funds. Staying a step or two left is "Less worse", but may not be enough.

  • c u n d gulag says:

    Tim H.,
    I don't know, Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown are pretty popular Democrats, and they represent, along with Bernie Sanders and a few others, that staying more than a step or two left, is 'more betterer.' :-)

  • c u n d gulag says:

    Yes, the Republicans need a reminder to dog-whistle, and not just blurt out their real inner-Id's feelings about people who aren't older, white, male, Christian, and Conservative.

    The Republicans are starting to lose their gift of messaging, now that Frank Luntz has decided to retire, along with his dictionary and thesaurus, to his 14,000+ square foot Las Vegas home, with his 10-foot TV, and drink diet soda's while watching it.

    And the problem is less the psychopaths who lead the Republican Party – and more the sociopathic stupid and/ignorant sheeple, rubes, suckers, fools, dupes, bobo's, racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, goons, thugs, dopes, fools, imbeciles, "morans", dim/nit/half/fuck-wits, and Christian-loons, who vote for them.

    "Divide and conquer" is almost as old a tool as the club.

    And it's working just fine to distract the stupid and ignorant from the ongoing "Class War," and "Cold Civil War," that are being waged on everyone below the top 1%.

    And as long as people think it's something other than class, money, and access to power, that divides us, we'll always have the sociopathic stupid and/or ignorant sheeple, rubes, suckers, fools, dupes, bobo's, racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, goons, thugs, dopes, fools, imbeciles, "morans", dim/nit/half/fuck-wits, and Christian-loons, who vote for psychopaths.

    "Follow da money!"

  • Mingent Whizmaster says:

    Life is a shit sandwich. But, man, if you've got enough bread, you don't taste the shit.

    –Jonathon Winters

  • I agree with Gulag; this last election was a farce of how much the right-wing doesn't care anymore about alienating the Blahs and the Slutty McSlut-Sluts who think they should be able to have health care, plus all the 99% 'takers'.

  • neuseriversailor says:

    "…people who have to learn how to act like they have emotions."

    Oh come now, Boehner cries at the drop of a hat.

  • The reason why doing this sort of makes sense is that the Democrats do not represent non-corporate people, any more then the Republicans do. Why shouldn't the Republicans seek the support of these people, even if it is complete B.S.?

  • Real Americans don't countenance the Poor and downtrodden to besmirch their sight. Real Americans kick the person in the be-hind and tell them to take a bath and get a job and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

  • I honestly don't know why they bother to send out such a memo. Poor people who vote for Republicans don't think they are the lazy shiftless bums on unemployment and food stamps–those are the brown people.

  • Bitter Scribe says:

    It's all part of "compassionate conservatism."

    If you have to go around declaring that you're compassionate, guess what—you probably aren't.

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