I think that the finest moment in what is clearly a very fine film, Full Metal Jacket, comes when Sgt. Hartman is berating Matthew Modine's Pvt. Joker character (who is implied to be Jewish) for refusing to worship the Virgin Mary. On the off chance that you missed it, the scene goes as follows:
Hartman: Private Joker, do you believe in the Virgin Mary?
Private Joker: Sir, no, sir!
Hartman: Well, well, Private Joker, I don't believe I heard you correctly!
Private Joker: Sir, the private said "no, sir," sir!
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Private Joker: Sir, NEGATIVE, sir!
Hartman: Private Joker, are you trying to offend me?
Pretty hardcore. It's undoubtedly the kind of thing that went on a lot in the Vietnam-era military establishment.
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Flash forward to 2007, and the Loyal Republican Base is pulling the Sgt. Hartman on "poor" Mitt Romney. Apparently being a Mormon is intolerable heresy in the eyes of John Q. Republican these days, so much so that the party faithful fee comfortable putting candidates through the religious test in public.
Did I miss something? Are Mormons permissive heathen sodomites? I always thought they were the squeaky-clean, freakishly Ned Flandersish kind of people that the Religious Right wanted to populate Washington.
Governor Romney, I will motivate you.
While the heckler didn't quite yell "Governor Romney, you'd best sound off you love the Virgin Mary," it's safe to say that he or she did come away with the impression that Romney was in fact trying to offend everyone by not being a southern evangelical of some sort.
Samantha says:
Maybe it's the polygamy thing that's bugging the evangelicals…since it seems so many of them prefer young boys to their own wives.
Ed says:
Polygamy is rejected by mainstream Mormonism and only still practiced by a very small, obscure sect.
Basically, the Mormons who still practice polygamy are to Mormonism what the people who reject Vatican II are to Catholicism.
Kreggg says:
(in America) only Catholics belive in the Virgin Mary as being holy, protestants think she is nice, but not holy at all, and that to belive so is heresy. I think most of the south is baptist too. I mean maybe I have a skewed view, James Dobson was the preacher at my church when I was 2yrs old. That f**ks up your family's and thus your POV.
I think protestants hate mormons because they are better than us, they like actually try to practice what they preach. We Protestants are all just culturally affiliated with J.H. Christ, we stopped following his example along time ago.
Kreggg says:
(in America) only Catholics belive in the Virgin Mary as being holy, protestants think she is nice, but not holy at all, and that to belive so is heresy. I think most of the south is baptist too. I mean maybe I have a skewed view, James Dobson was the preacher at my church when I was 2yrs old. That f**ks up your family's and thus your POV.
I think protestants hate mormons because they are better than us, they like actually try to practice what they preach. We Protestants are all just culturally affiliated with J.H. Christ, we stopped following his example along time ago.