Just a friendly reminder. These stickers are perfect for your laptop, bumper, guitar case, locker, bike helmet, front door (keep the Jehovah's Witnesses away), bong, or forehead. In the absence of clothing, one or more stickers can be placed hastily over your genitals.

3" x 5" stickers on heavy white vinyl – $3.50 (shipping included, unless it's outside of the U.S.)

Gin and Tacos | Promote Your Page Too

9 thoughts on “PERIODIC WHEEDLE”

  • Yes, but if I hastily place them on my genitals, and then there is an emergency and a hot guy has to hastily remove them from my genitals, is there is a risk of injury?

    This is what I need to know.

  • Dislike gin but love tacos. If this was scotch and tacos I'd be buying a jolly boatload of these stickers with which to cover the genitalia of friends, family and perhaps even strangers.

    However, if you ever turn this into a t-shirt design, I might have to buy a few to give as gifts.

    And now… I need a taco.

  • Would this be an appropriate place to insert the, " . . . then why does it look so much like a taco?" joke?

    JzB who cannot remember ever using two question marks in the same sentence.

  • Monthly Wheedle?

    I look forward to "Infrequent Wheedle", "Annual Wheedle", and "Hey, I Found This Dusty Old Box In My Car-Hole Wheedle".

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