A Brief History of Ginandtacos.com

Mike here with good news: Ginandtacos.com is back and online. Hopefully for good. This site was born out of my dad's basement at that start of a college winter break in december 1999. Ed, Erik and myself had already wasted a good part of the previous acedemic semester building and maintaining seperate student webpages (Erik's is still out there somewhere), so the idea that we would put together our minds to make one great page was an obvious one.

We initially tried to get "www.gin.com", but it was taken by some german folks. We really wanted to take "www.gin.edu", but you needed some hefty credentials to register an education site (gin.edu is still available as far as I know – if any colleges would be willing to purchase it for us please email immediately). I don't know if Ed and I were eating tacos while thinking "what else could we use for a site name to go with gin?

" (we almost certainly were), but the name came to us like a bolt of lightning.

It was an initial success. Ed provided the writing, I provided cheap flash applets, Erik Martin provided the Erik Martin. Sadly though, the demands of work and adult life weighed heavy over ginandtacos.

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com. Faced with old content we put the site on hold with a "check back soon" sign. That was in April of 2002.

Since then everything and nothing has changed. This past December, the domain name lease expired, celebrating the 4th year birthday of ginandtacos.com and leaving the page lost for two weeks. It was then we realized a line in the sand had to be drawn – we had to bring the gin and the tacos back to the people, where they belonged. So here it is. An updated heroes and "little bitch" gallery should be up soon, more movie reviews, and all kinds of stuff in the next couple weeks.

Keep checking in!