It's important to not forget the important things in life with all the post-election depression: gin, tacos, and the following. Several links to cheer up your wednesday:
Chicago Tribune's Advice Column has a letter come in explaining to women that comic book stores are excellent places to meet guys, as it's audience is 95% men. The letter, which claims to be written by a women, seems written by a guy.
I really love the idea of a Comic Shop on a New Comics Wednesday (which, if you haven't been, isn't all that inviting to women) suddenly having several women in bar clothes and heels walk in and try to strike up a conversation. "I'd like to buy the lady over there her choice of a Drawn and Quarterly comic."
Audio from Local H as Oasis for Halloween – you need a special audio decoder to listen. It's, ummm, interesting, in that it's 2am and Scott Lucas is performing in a drunken sort of way (read: a good way). They cover Cum On Feel the Noise (they spell it that way, not me) as Oasis covering it, which one of our intrepid fans noted she had once seen as b-side to an Oasis single.
There happens to be a large number of live Local H recordings at that webpage.
In case you need more snark in your weekly on-line diet, David Foster Wallace reviews a Borges biography, and Johnathan Frazen reads from his so-so latest collection of New Yorker stories. Take that red states!
Wallace, of course, uses endnotes in his review. Though it seems to piss off a great deal of people with it's "look-at-me-i'm-david-foster-wallace-reviewing-a-book"-ness, it really didn't offend me as much as it seems oddly appropriate for Borges and the article itself is a top-notch review and overview. It is a bitch to read on-line with the page 1,2,3 format – click on printer-ready format for an easier read.
A history of the Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys series alongside its creator. One of the more interesting non-political things in the NYer lately. Did anyone else grow up reading the series where Joe's girlfriend Lola is blown up in a car bomb in the first book? I always thought that was really messed up.
tlocke says:
Ha! Hardy Boys Casefile #11, Brother Against Brother, was the first book I ever read. Lola was one of those "they never found the body" things, so I think they brought her back a couple times, but it wasn't really her, so yeah.
I also remember having an art class assignment to make a cereal box, so I wanted to make "Assassins!" cereal after the bad guys. While I was working on it, I remember the teacher coming up behind me and making a funny noise, and I realized she was probably upset that I was apparently making something called "Ass" cereal …
eep says:
Dude, even though sometimes there are really cute boys in comic book stores, I just don't feel comfortable in there. For the most part, comic shops are notoriously non-girl friendly. There was one I used to go to in CU, and every time I walked in there the place would go SILENT. I could hear people talking as I entered, but as soon as I was in full view they just stopped. So I have a vagina — big deal! I'm not here to laugh at you, guys. I'm buying comics, too. Sheesh.
I'm still looking for a girl-friendly comic store somewhere near me. The only ones I've found in Chicagoland are too far away from me. And I hate buying comics online. *grump*
mike says:
eep: Buying comics online is almost as bad as buying comics at B&N (a mortal sin in my book). Where abouts do you live? I'll recommend what I can.
tlocke: !!! I used to love reading that series of Hardy Boys Books as the first page was always like page 14, so I would feel, in my 8 year old mind, that I had already read _so many pages_ as I started.
Lola dying gave me nightmares. No so much the fact that she died – but how creepy and obsessive Joe was as a result. Who is thinking of the children!?!?!
tlocke says:
Yeah, Joe was pretty weirded out, now that I think about it. Though a good "haymaker" always seemed to cheer him up.
erik says:
Most people probably don't care, but I found this very amusing. Last night was Champaign's "The Great Coverup." Basically the Champaign version of what happens at the Double Door Halloween weekend.
At the end of the night, after all the bands had finished playing you might ask what song came on the cd player? Wouldn't you know it, it was Oasis, "Cum on feel the Noize" (yes, Oasis does spell it that way.)
eep says:
I'm over in Oak Park. I've only found two comic shops near me, and both are run by the human equivalent of The Comic Book Guy. The patrons make me all feel skeevy.
I've been to Comix Revolution up in Evanston a few times when hanging with a friend, and I love that store. And I've heard *really* good things about Chicago Comics.
kat says:
on a rather different note…
my condolences, gentlemen, upon the passing of O.D.B. i would have put this on the comment box for his respective page, but it has been taken over by dieting pills. evidently O.D.B.
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