Hey, I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think unicorns are kick ass!

And I also want to wear this shirt.
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Deal with it.

Order it here. You should wear it too. Order several. She has other shirts in varying degrees of production, including one that has the number "773" on it with a little note in the catalog saying "best area code ever (except for 312)." The fact that she has written such an accurate sentence means you should all give her money on principle – you can also wear that shirt as a bonus.
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4 thoughts on “Hey, I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think unicorns are kick ass!”

  • ryan – that is scary or really cool depending. put in a good word for me!

    kat – I have seen that site – a friend who does nothing but argue with her mom over The Future Of Our Country had it sent to her. Are you another person who can't really hold a conversation with your mom until after the election?

  • no, that would just be the rest of my family who are gun-toting republicans. i'm the black-sheep daughter of the black-sheep liberals. we're also not the ones afraid of big citties. woo.

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