Ed's count of people at the tea party: 150
Ed's acceptance of his friends' estimates in place of his own, which may have been low: 200~250
Commenter in Teabaggin' thread: "closer to 500"
Bloomingtonteaparty.com: "Perhaps 1000 PATRIOTS!"
Get your bullshit overinflated numbers right, boys.
schalliol says:
I work in this building (on the North side). When I drove by as I was leaving work just after 5 PM, I'd say there were a hundred folks there or so, perhaps a bit more. My count could clearly be off as I drove by. I know there were some folks there just to see what was going on.
RT says:
Please tell me you noticed the patriot costume guys use of "Alot" on what i can only imagine was his twentieth attempt to make a sign without any spelling/grammatical errors
Andy says:
OMG…you are like so right. There could not possibly be more than 100 people there. I mean they were walking around the courthouse 3 to 5 wide and made a continuous circle with no break. Seriously, I know how to count and there had to be 100 people. And OMG…did you see how they spelled?…like there was one dude that called Obama "BO"…like everyone knows that is his dog's name and not his name…and some people had an N in front of Obama…sheesh…I mean, I am important cause I go to a rally and make fun of all the spelling mistakes I can find…I mean take notice of me, I am important…Really, have you seen my picture?…I am not a very good looking fella, but boy do I know how to go to a rally and find signs that are spelled wrong…LOOK OUT WORLD…I HAVE ARRIVED!!
cicely says:
"Perhaps" is such a lovely, ambiguous word….
Schultzenhaben says:
Contrary to what Andy says, you are a good looking fella, Ed.
Jeremy says:
Don't feed the trolls….
gizmo says:
I'd guess that 99% of the Teabaggers make less than $250,000 a year, which means that they will be getting a nice tax break from Obama and the Democrats.
Go figure….
comrade x says:
Well, the signs were amusing, but I'm having more fun with the tax protester version of where's Waldo… Find the guy who isn't white, under 30, and has less than 3 chins.
Raul says:
You guys don't get it do you. YOu ignorant fucks. I hope there is enough piano wire left for you too!
jkg…of course another right wing rant
Craig says:
Let's simulate the Boton tea party because like them we have to pay taxes. Granted they didn't have any government representation and we do but that's not a big difference is it?
Next year lets rusty trombone the Whitehouse.
T says: