Palin nets a C-. She didn't do anything well, nor did she actually answer any of the questions (going so far as to helpfully point out that she wouldn't be answering the questions "the way you or the moderator would like"). Her pitiful, awkward stabs at populism were transparently ridiculous and scripted.

But she avoided a single gaffe of legendary, sound-bite-worthy proportions.
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It was just a shitty performance overall, not a performance marred by one significant disaster.

Biden gets an A. I'd like to give him a much lower grade so that it would make me feel more "fair" but if you watched that debate and don't think that he blew her out of the water with his attention to detail, specificity, and command of the facts countered by her inane bumper sticker slogan responses, then I don't know what to tell you. Ignoring Palin, Biden on his own was really as good as he can be (whatever you think of that). He was not smarmy, he answered the questions, and he hammered Palin without being a dick.
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I mean, he just drove her into the ground but did not come off like a bully in doing it. That's difficult. I would have blown it. He didn't.

The GOP is relieved in one sense because she wasn't as bad as in the Couric interview. But I think it's going to be damn well impossible to pretend that the debate was anything other than a brutal ass-beating. If you like hearing random slogans thrown at the camera, there was a candidate for you. There was also another who sounded like a serious statesman.

If you watched that debate and thought Palin looked like the person best suited to lead the nation, I'd love to hear on what basis you make that judgment.

(PS – How awesome was the CNN camera in the GOP "Debate watching room"? It looked like a fucking morgue. Those people looked like they were at their own children's funeral.)

3 thoughts on “DEBATE GRADES”

  • I feel like we watched two different debates. I mean, okay, obviously, Palin had nothing but canned bumper-sticker slogans to offer, but she stood up there and SOLD it. She used her "mom" voice throughout, talking directly to the camera with an unwavering focus and an unrelenting reliance on casual English: dropping her "g"s, as in "cravin'", and using folksy expressions like "bless his heart".

    Biden, on the other hand, sounded like any other generic talking head on TV, and committed the same deadly error made by most Democrats: he tried to explain things. ATTENTION DEMOCRATS: the people who make up their minds based on ARGUMENT and REASON are ALREADY VOTING FOR YOU!!!

    By the end of the debate I was thoroughly dejected and depressed. Did Biden "win" the debate in terms of scoring thoughtful, nuanced answers? Sure! But WHO GIVES A SHIT?!? Palin wiped the floor with Biden in terms of talking to the current and potential lower-middle-class voters who need to turn out in droves to decide this election. They turned out for Bush. They weren't going to turn out for McCain because he just hasn't activated them. But this is it; Palin's got them.

    I think six weeks ago Obama had this election in the bag. But at this point I think he's in for the fight of his life.

  • Hi Ben,

    If Palin "SOLD it" she sold it like those fuzzy, poorly lit local commercials for "all your button and craft needs" in that every time she opened her mouth, the following cycle was repeated (in the same order each time, with a few exceptions in which she dropped either the Ramble or the Really Phony after the Repetitive Recitation):

    Repetitive Recitation of scripted amalgam of McCain's talking points (I mean, she must have needed a masseuse to work the knots out of her throat judging by the obvious strain it put on her to have to at least try to remember everything she crammed in the last few days) –> Ramble (sloppily) on about anything and everything in an attempt to prove she "knows stuff…AND things!). Those moments seemed like someone in a High School debate who TOtally, like, left that page of the prep on the, like, table outside Taco John's at the, like, um, mall.–>Really Phony, as in, am I the only one who found it repellently ironic that she was faking folksy? In other words, for all intents and purposes, she kind of IS folksy, but in the sense of the girl who was both valedictorian and homecoming queen…at a high school with a graduating class of 57. Her inability to speak like an educated human being only made George W. Bush somehow seem, at least by comparison, less a nimrod. Most people are aware, on some level, that they are not competent to be VP or president; the fact that they can relate to someone else who isn't doesn't make this not true. Suffice it to say that there will be some sort of subtler version of the telephone ad goosing everyone to remember that we can't have a political opportunist who slipped through shoddy vetting running the remnants of a superpower. NO, we cannot. At least Bush got to shotgun beers with people who are capable. Palin's fundamental qualification for office is her capacity to have about as much personal integrity as your average Mexican sheriff…

    Here's what you need to know, Ben: Having spent some time getting to look at the guts of Obama and "O'Biden's" campaign, the organization and Kool-Aid drinkery levels are far beyond any of the other 5 or 6 I've seen firsthand. What is McCain's organization other than the usual coffeeklatsch at the cuntry club? The polling numbers must vastly underrepresent the 12-15% of the nation who don't have a land line anymore. For the sake of simplicity in making the case, assume (conservatively) 10% of the 150 million possible/likely voters are thus not included. 15m people don't get asked, 90% of whom, as cell-phone-only types, are Obama votes, half of whom won't vote. In any case, that's at least 6 million votes for Obama that routinely don't get counted. Sure, sure, there are those that don't leave the holler 'cept to vote and buy another log of Skoal or Cop'm'hagen, but I have to believe they are vastly outnumbered by the uncounted masses.

    Ed: Bloomberg's too smart to bring it this time, but that's why he's looking for another term…so he has a platform for 2012. The guy scares me, but he's a smart m'f'er….
    Also, I still don't believe Cheney is just going to fade out. I swear, even though it's beyond the pale, I'm still concerned they find a pretext to suspend the election, the transfer of power, SOMEthing…yeah, it's paranoid. Am I the only one whose heard some of the inside dope in this gang of crooks in the White House and their fellow ideologues?

  • On the Palin comment from Ben:

    I don't know if she really sold anything. You are probably about as shocked as most of us were that she could actually formulate sentences and/or ideas, whether they be scripted or not. She didn't answer a bunch of questions and she was just stroking the general public*. "aww, isn't she cute, she drops her g's and cares about getting this country back on top". Please. Biden responded to each one of her scripted answer with points about Obama's plan and countered that with how McCain's plan is "more of the same". On that note, Biden emphasized talking points to an extreme, which given the small attention span of our society, was politically solid.

    And the fact that Biden explained things didn't hinder him. He never went into unbelievable detail (i.e. using senatorial jargon), but gave just enough information to show "Palin doesn't know wtf she is talking about, she is just spouting off scripted answers, im qualified because I know". Cheers Biden, I think he did well and won the debate.

    *speaking of which a friend told me there is a movie being made called "Nalin Palin" – you tell me what THAT is about…

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