One of Palin's opponents from 2006 has advice for Joe Biden. Admiral Ackbar has even better advice:

Heading into this evening's debate (which, with the potential of entertainment at hand, I will watch rather than transcript) the McCain campaign is so confident in the rhetorical abilities of Sarah Palin that they are in overdrive to explain the outcome in advance. Take your pick:

1. Gwen Ifill is biased. I don't recall them complaining when CBS's Bob Schieffer – who openly admitted that his personal friendship with George W. Bush made it hard to cover him objectively – moderated a Bush-Kerry debate in 2004. Nor do I recall Kerry whining about it like a little bitch.

2. Joe Biden is patronizing and sexist. Just look at how arrogantly he lords his answers over Palin, strutting about like he is a king just because he "knows things" and has "facts" and can "answer the questions."

3. Of course Biden will do better, he's older and more experienced. This is called lowering the expectations. Palin, contrary to the storyline, has televised debating experience.

4. The format favors Biden. Note how the McCain camp desperately tried to get the mandatory answers down from 2 minutes to 90 seconds – perfect for a candidate who has nothing to say, disadvantageous for one who has a real answer.

5. The pity factor. The GOP has hardly minded the widespread (non-True Believer) perception of Palin as almost child-like in her simplicity. They're hoping to make Biden gun shy about hammering her lest he appear on national TV as a man beating up an infant. Bush played the "simple" image to the hilt in 2000 and 2004.

The debate will consist of Palin going after Biden like a hungry dog after a pork chop, all in an effort to goad him into a "mean" response. Despite the tremendous lengths to which the McCain camp has gone to manage the format of the debate – preventing exchanges between the candidates, limiting response times, attempting to limit the number of foreign policy questions – if I had to call Vegas an bet my life savings ($32.71) I would gamble that Palin is still going to blow it. She's going to be flat-out unable to answer a question, she'll give a vacant "I didn't study for this exam" response full of re-phrased portions of the question, or she'll botch one or more very basic facts. I don't think that McCain is stupid enough to declare victory, but the expectations are so far below sea level that if Palin avoids drooling on herself or shitting her pantsuit live on TV the message will be that she "far exceeded expectations."

This strategy comes straight from 1988. It didn't work then, either.


  • Maybe I'm paranoid, but I just can't believe that she's THAT stupid. I mean, even if she doesn't read any newspapers, she couldn't even come up with a name of ONE? I mean, that's just ridiculous. I wonder if she's been coached to act vapid deliberately. Very Rovian. Because the "common folk" love them a "regular guy (or gal)" candidate. It's Bush all over.

    Yesterday I work I heard one co-worker tell another, "I just don't think I can watch the debate on Thursday." I asked why. "Because it's not fair how they try to trip her up." I just shook my head, and despite my better judgement said to a co-worker: How is asking you where you get your news a tricky or overly complex question? And she replies, I just think the media likes making people look stupid.

    That is the prevaling attitude out there. Nobody wants to see nuance or substance. They want sound bites and "characters." It's just a big reality TV show.

  • She is a Pitbull with lipstick. She is good at rattling off the soundbites and bumpersticker lines, but when she is asked a direct question, she gets that deer in the headlights look and starts babbling. If it is an act then she deserves an Emmy.

  • I see your point, Michael, but it's not exactly a fine line between the "I'm Regular Folk" act and looking mentally retarded. Bush was always able to offer real answers to straight questions. He certainly would not have had trouble naming a handful of SC decisions he didn't like.

  • Palin:
    "I think they're just not used to someone coming in from the outside saying, 'You know what? It's time that normal Joe Six-Pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency,' and I think that that's kind of taken some people off-guard," she said in a radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt.

    Yes, that is exactly what I want in the potential President of my country and leader of the free world, "Joe Six-Pack American." In fact is Joe Dirt available, how about Earl? It would be like looking into a mirror everytime I saw the White House…how grand. Just make sure that six pack is domestic, maybe Pabst Blue Ribbon, or Busch Light in the new Cammo colored cans.

  • Beau and Michael, I share your cynicism regarding the electorate to a degree. The week after Palin's RNC speech I felt like we were reliving the 2000 campaign all over again. But I take solace from the recent poll numbers and survey results about Palin's qualifications. I have to believe this won't happen again…

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