Sometimes – and this is one of them – I have to ask trite, obvious, redundant, and rhetorical questions.
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What the fuck is wrong to this country? Actually, I retract the claim that this is rhetorical. Someone tell me. Please. What the fuck happened to us?
Buried in today's "headlines" about the "MySpace suicide," NFL player Sean Taylor's funeral, and "Why Bad Kissers Don't Get to Second Base" (thanks CNN!) is an afterthought about the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran's nuclear capability. It has been released for public consumption today but was completed almost a year ago. It concludes that Iran abandoned its weapons program…in 2003.
Now, what are the odds that no one in the White House knew about the content of this report almost a year ago? Let's be generous and call it one in 600 billion. OK. So. While this is only recently available to the public it has been well known to people like, oh, let's say the President and the Secretary of State, for a year.
That means, and stop me when I fall off the logic train, that the past 7 months of We Must Invade Iran saber-rattling and up-ramping has been done with full knowledge that not a shred of the "nuclear program" allegations were true.
I'm sorry, but since when is "President and entire administration knowingly lie to America and the world in an attempt to justify invading another country" not news?
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No Flashing Breaking News Alerts, no headlines, no "Gee America, looks like we have nearly red-handed evidence that your entire executive branch are lying, warmongering cocksuckers" commentary, and no pointed, incisive questions. The talk radio crowd don't even bother to make excuses for it. It's just not even relevant. No one notices, no one cares. It's the 5th most urgent news item of the day.
We often succumb to the temptation to idealize the past in this country, but the part of my psyche that doesn't resist urges very well thinks that this would not be the case in 1950.
Or 1960. Or 1970. Hell, probably not even in 1980. But not in 2007. The President getting caught red-handed trying to bullshit the country into another pre-emptive "security" war is not news.
I often think there has been some sort of fundamental and irrevocable change in this country, an intellectual point-of-no-return that we breezed past in the mid-80s. Stories like this do not discourage me from thinking that more regularly. We're officially a nation of vacuous, disinterested idiots. Willfully ignorant. Proud of it. As anti-intellectual as we are intellectually incurious. In short, we as a nation operate at about a 4th grade level – our interest in the "news" essentially encompasses sports, movies, Top 40 music, and medical oddities.
I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, or anyone else who chooses to teach for that matter. It's like we're signing up to be the Designated Mourners for 40 years of progressively more depressing batches of young people.