Today's entry is very brief as I am simultaneously packing for a week of vacation and packing to move when I return. I'll have my laptop and, rest assured, I will be posting bile from the road.
You'll also hear a little more from Mike over the next week to pick up the slack while I'm gone.
You really need to read this. If you ever wondered what kind of people go on the National Review Carnival Cruise, well, it's the kind of people who say:
" Of course, we need to execute some of these people…. A few of these prominent liberals who are trying to demoralise the country," she says. "Just take a couple of these anti-war people off to the gas chamber for treason to show, if you try to bring down America at a time of war, that's what you'll get." She squints at the sun and smiles. "Then things'll change."
In some ways, the crowd on this $1200-$6000 cruise is exactly how you'd imagine it – elderly, fat, completely white (save for the busboys and Uncle Tom Connerly), and with strongly-held belief systems that are utterly impervious to facts. But on the other hand, the crowd is a little bit more out there than I expected. I mean, there's a lot of talk about killing people. Kill the liberals, kill the intellectuals, kill the Muslims…..
It's pretty amazing how these people just abandon all restraint once they think they're among their own. Every comment in this article reeks of people enjoying a seven-day stretch during which they can stop being so darned PC and start speaking their minds. Seven days in which the Constitution and the Geneva Convention and the ComSymps and the Liberal Media and the rules of decency don't apply.
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This, my friends, is why the rule of law must apply to those in positions of power. The alternative is what you see here in this week-long mini-experiment in uninhibited conservatism: intellectual children (violence solves everything!
) with six-figure incomes plotting to kill their "enemies" and anyone who tries to stop them.