I apologize to all the ginandtacos fans who have come to expect a consistent supply of political ranting from me at the exclusion of more banal topics, but I'm in the grip of a full-fledged White Sox fever this week. Symptoms include euphoria and repeated references to 1983.
I no longer live in Chicago, but I hope – and I can only hope – that everything South of Pilsen is shutting down at about 2:30 today so the entire sausage-loving portion of the population can be in front of their TV by the 3:00 first pitch.
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"Sweep the leg, Johnny."
Fuck Boston. Fuck them and their fans and their stupid-ass movies about being a fan starring Jimmy Fallon.
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Not to mention Drew Barrymore. With Freddy Garcia (10-3 on the road) squaring off against Tim "The batting tee" Wakefield and his league-worst ERA, I can only implore the White Sox in the manner chosen by the head of the Cobra Kai in The Karate Kid: "Finish them…..finish them!"
Oh, and fuck the national media that can't seem to write stories about anything other than the Red Sox being poised to take the next three games to win the series. Fuck them right in the ear.
I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I didn't leave work early today. Fire up a polish in my honor, Chicago.
I am with you in spirit.