I hope that, like me, you are all proud that our nation has joined the ranks of those whose elections must be supervised by the world community.

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The days of sending Jimmy Carter to Burkina Faso to monitor their election have been replaced by sending Jimmy Carter to Miami.

Several international groups are observing in the swing states, including Fair Election International and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. But the following quote has to be my favorite.
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"So far, we have seen nothing unusual," said Roberto Courtney, executive director of Etica y Transparencia, a government watchdog group in Nicaragua. "Generally, everything has gone very well.

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There you go. You know it's fair if it meets the exacting standards of the Nicaraguans.


There's nothing more to say at this point other than to reiterate what I've been saying for 6 months: turnout is going to be massive and the election will not be close.

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Kerry 311, Bush 227.

Here are the latest Gallup polls, which are methodologically biased towards Republicans (the agency adds 5-8% to the Republican totals based on the anachronistic assumption that Republicans turn out in higher numbers, which has not been true since 1988):

Minnesota 10/31/04: Kerry 52, Bush 44
Ohio 10/30/04: Kerry 49, Bush 45
Florida 10/30/04: Kerry 50, Bush 46

And one by one, all the morons on the news will sit there with a tense, We'll-Get-To-The-Bottom-of-This look on their faces wondering aloud how they could have gotten it so wrong. Maybe after a few months of ruminating they will start to realize the fallacy of their polling methodologies.

Or maybe they will just blame Bill Clinton.

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