The cycle of Trump-related allegation and disclosure is so predictable as to be tedious at this point.

Start by loudly (and unconvincingly, of course) arguing for an extended period of time that you absolutely did not do what you've been accused of doing. After a few weeks, soften it up by suggesting that maybe someone else might have done it – certainly not you though – and if that was the case you had no idea, none at all, that it was being done by someone else.
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In fact the whole idea was mine and it was directed personally from minute one.

But it's not even illegal! I did it because why wouldn't I do it?

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Everyone does it. It's not illegal at all to do it.

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Just because there are laws against something doesn't make it illegal if it's a thing everybody does all the time.

Fucking tiresome.

17 thoughts on “RINSE, REPEAT”

  • We now have more than enough evidence to throw Trump from office. But the GOP protects him. because they are now the party of corruption, graft and bigotry. The GOP would rather destroy the republic than play a fair political game.

  • Mister Sterling: I would argue that much of our upper political class is this way, and it has arguably always been thus. The GOP is just more blatant and more strident about it. (I know this sounds like both siderism, but it is really cynicism. :) )

  • You seem to have the cycle figured out. Maybe we need to color code it, like the "terrorism" threats in the early 00s.

    P.S. Thanks for the Twitter feed on the right. I've never figured out how to get anything interesting out of Twitter, so I rely on bloggers like you to generate content and sift the wheat from the chaff.

  • Actually read Winners Take All after you recommended it. Guess we're now seeing the dirty grifter underbelly of our oligarchy triumphant?

    "You don't need to be a philanthropist! The traditional plain ol' graft still works just great!"

  • "so I rely on bloggers like you to generate content and sift the wheat from the chaff."

    Well, sir, there is some grain in there but it's yellow dent corn. What it is mixed with is NOT chaff.

  • Emerson Dameron says:

    The big mystery is why he still panics and freaks out and always seems so frightened and miserable. Nothing is ever going to alienate his 40% basement of support, and he owns the entire conservative movement. He has all the expected accountability of KISS on tour.

  • Can't say much positive about Trump's die-hard base, at this point. But you do have to admire their utter lack of gag reflex. Really quite the asset in different context.

  • As usual, it's not the lies so much as it is the lying. For someone like trump who lies literally several times per hour during his waking moments, you'd think people in the media would have caught on by now. But they keep reporting his lies as anything BUT lies, and so we continue the cycle….

  • "But you do have to admire their utter lack of gag reflex. Really quite the asset in different context."

    Utterly wasted on the shriveled penis of Trumpligulamygdala.

  • It's similar to the way the incessant Trump Twitter cycle works. He tweets, and an entire subsequent news cycle is built on it. A couple Sundays ago, maybe 11/18, I was visiting someone in a senior complex with a comfy common lounge with big-screen TV inside the entrance. I don't watch TV, but I can't walk by one without looking. It was playing CNN. Trump had tweeted something mean about Adm. McRaven. They had a host interviewing some other military guy going on and on about how honorable McRaven was, how terrible this tweet was, I mean it's just unprecedented and the worst thing. They had other guests on remote feeds and the anchor went on and on. I watched enough to get what it was about and went down the hall for my visit. A hour or two later, I passed through the lounge again and looked and thought, "This is STILL on!" It wasn't "still," of course; they were just cycling through the repeated programming. New tweet on Monday, I suppose, followed by the same thing.

    It's not that Trump's tweets shouldn't be news at all, but the proper way to handle them would be a 30-second, "President Trump tweeted the following wild thing about so-and-so this morning; moving on, 14 more kids were killed in Yemen overnight."

    It's almost like there's a pattern to this or something. No, I don't think that Trump is playing some kind of "[fill in some numeric value]-dimensional chess," it's just one trick he uses over and over and over, and it still works very well. The "news" media use it to generate ratings and to fill airtime and avoid anything worthwhile. It's win-win for everybody playing the game, not so much for the rest of us.

  • defineandredefine says:

    This, so much. The media was doing a shit job to begin with, up until the 2016 election. One would like to think they would have some serious soul searching the following January and at least begin to realize that this sort of celebrity crush-style "journalism," though good for ratings, does little if anything to actually keep people informed and advance dialogue.

    Unfortunately, that does not appear to have happened, and our media continues to fail us.

  • So I was trying to quote this from Prairie Bear –

    "It's almost like there's a pattern to this or something. No, I don't think that Trump is playing some kind of "[fill in some numeric value]-dimensional chess," it's just one trick he uses over and over and over, and it still works very well. The "news" media use it to generate ratings and to fill airtime and avoid anything worthwhile. It's win-win for everybody playing the game, not so much for the rest of us."

    – but I apparently did it wrong. In any case, that's what I was responding to with my comment.

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