Not cool with the slow rise of fascism? Don't think it's normal to have a white supremacist blogger on the National Security Council? Then it's time to let everyone know where you stand.
What: The all-new Gin and Tacos "None of this is OK" shirt. Canvas brand, screenprinted (no print on demand BS) front and back, Navy Blue, women's v-neck and men's/unisex crew neck available. Canvas sizing guides for unisex and women's v-neck shirts.

When: This is a pre-order for shirts I will have in my hands in three to four weeks. That means they will likely ship to you the week of July 4. If I can get them earlier, so will you. I appreciate your patience. I am not an Amazon warehouse. I am a dude in an apartment with some mailing labels and envelopes.
Cost: $20 for either style (unisex or women's). PayPal only please.
Shipping: $4 is added to each US order for shipping + packaging. For international orders, I'm sorry to say shipping is $10. While I am not looking to become a titan of commerce here, I do have to avoid selling these at a loss and Int'l shipping costs $12-15 from the US.
Ordering: Please use the correct order button, Domestic or International. Anything outside of the U.S., even Canada, must use the International button.
Don't be left out!
terraformer says:
Please consider offering tall sizes in the future. I'm 6'4" and wear a 2XLT.
DonN says:
Same here. I ordered a 2xl but really need a 2xlt. (Of course, I don't know how much more complicated each size adds.)
Michael says:
I think you're great all the time!!
NotoriousAIG says:
What about the punch a nazi shirt???
mothra says:
Oooooooo. Want one.
BigGuysResistToo says:
I would love to see this in a tall size. As a 6'4" guy who also thinks this isn't OK, I'd proudly wear this shirt.
Jim Carroll says:
3XLT, and I will get one, The big and tall are persecuted!!
Wim says:
I also am too tall for the shirts as offered. Alas.
anotherbozo says:
Nobody asked me, but "" would have been far more self-explanatory and would have provided less occasion for annoying strangers to approach the wearer to satisfy their idle curiosity. Either that or design a separate shirt for total misanthropes.
democommie says:
Howzabout an XFT*?
* Extra Fat Tallish.
Hunter F says:
I love the shirt design and like anotherbozo's ideal as well. Do both!
On a separate note, what's with all the ginormous peops on this site? I feel inadequate at 6'0.5 in my roomy XL.
BigGuysResistToo says:
Hey, squirt, us ginormous people need shirts too! Haha
fastEddie says:
Bumper sticker?? – I think the red/white/blue of the shirt as a long rectangular sticker would be perfect.
mothra says:
Say, I like that bumper sticker idea. It has so many applications.
Mo says:
Wow, James Comey*, under various aliases, wants your shirt in a tall size! Awesome!
*We weren't fooled by that 6' 4" red herring. We know you're 6' 8", Comey.
democommie says:
@ Mo:
What about one for VP Mllked Penis?
democommie says:
I cannot BELIEVE that I misspelled, "Milked".
Julie says:
Ugh, I messed up and got the wrong size (picked the size in the international order drop down instead of the domestic). Is there anyway to get the size changed? I tried emailing the address associated w. your paypal account but it bounced.
Julie says:
Oh, and if I'm too late for the shirt train, it's cool. I've been enjoying your work for years and I'm happy to kick in the 20 bucks. I just don't want a size S shirt that will fit none I know :p
Linda says:
How's it going with getting the shirts out? I'm looking forward to getting mine. Sadly, events in the news remind me of the need for it every day.