Folks I know it seems too obvious to bother saying but we should say it anyway; this guy is out of his fucking mind.
If someone sat near you on public transit or in a restaurant said this sequence of words in the tone of voice in which this is meant to be read, you would get up and move. You would feel unsafe in their presence. You would want to get them help without endangering them or yourself. ...
The simple exhaustion of being lectured daily by the literal dumbest people you've ever seen in your life about how the problem with our society and government is a lack of competency. ...
I love how the widespread belief among conservatives that "federal grants" are all for Atheist Lesbian Fiber Art Collectives or whatever has plowed into the reality that federal grants are like Medicaid and the fire department. ...
Lless says:
I wouldn't bet the farm on the core proposition.
J. Dryden says:
Fillmore and *Buchanan*, surely.
Fernando_G says:
…She runs as candidate
…survives the Democratic primaries
…wins the election
a lot of "ifs"
Dave Dell says:
Fernando – I think she's going to run. Will she survive the primaries? She didn't last time… McCain did it eight years later. If nominated can she turn out the base and independents?
I feel it depends on who the R's nominate. I don't see any viable candidates in the R's current "talked about" pool.
Gardner says:
I remeber the rumor earlier this summer that Hillary Clinton would out herself as gay. All in some devious plot to get her elected president. Then just to prove she is gay, she would have sex with a woman in the oval office. I found that extremly funny. After all it would not be the first time a Clinton had a box lunch in the White House.
zombie rotten mcdonald says:
considering the daddy issues, I have to say that GHW Bush and GW Bush are also possibilities.
Xynzee says:
There are times I wish I'd voted for the big eared guy. He called the "huge sucking" sound that was nafta. As Moore described Slick as the greatest Republican President we ever had, which turned out to be true. Third-Way is merely Repug with a social conscience.
US in the UK says:
I'm sorry but all I can think of if Hillary Clinton runs is the deafening, non-stop screeching that will engulf the US for the next several years.
You thought a black guy or Whitewater was a pain in the ass, all-things-Clinton will bring out the last remaining slimemolds.
Holy Hell. You wouldn't even have to turn on a tv or radio. There would be a permanent background sound everywhere in the US of rending and squawking.
skwerlhugger says:
I've had the same thought about the pain and destruction to society of rightwing reaction to HC. But for what it's worth, I think they hate the thought of a nigger sleeping in the president's bed more than a girl sitting at the desk. Clinton seems special to them, but I'd guess by the time any woman rises within reach of the office, they would also have a special place in those dark little hearts. Pelosi, for example.
c u n d gulag says:
I'm not exactly the greatest fan of Hillary, but if she runs, I hope she wins in a landslide.
Not just because any Republican alternative would usher in a Theocratic Fascist Plutocracy, but to watch the conservatives head's explode after losing twice to a black guy, and then the woman they hate and fear the most in the world.
Yeah, their shrieking, whining, moaning, bitching, crying, screaming, tearing at their hair and garments, and gnashing of their teeth will fill the airwaves and print for 4 to 8 years, but I'll be enjoying every second of their agony – and gloating.
Fuck 'em!!!
And after Hillary is done, I hope we elect either a gay guy, a black lesbian, an Agnostic or Atheist of either sex,* or a black Muslim gay/lesbian.
Won't THAT be fun!
*Sadly, I think we'll have every other kind of person as POTUS, before we get and Agnostic of Atheist.
c u n d gulag says:
That last sentence should read, "Sadly, I think we'll have every other kind of person as POTUS, before we get AN Agnostic OR Atheist."
Note to self:
Finish coffee before commenting!
Red Ruffansore says:
It is possible that an avowed atheist or agnostic might be
more palatable than a convicted pedophile, if there were
no other nominees.
Major Kong says:
"The first time two Presidents have had sex with each other"
That we know about…..
JD says:
Depends if the convicted pedophile had beef born again.
You think I'm kidding.
Misterben says:
I agree; personally, I only eat born-again beef.
Major Kong says:
"Sadly, I think we'll have every other kind of person as POTUS, before we get an Agnostic or Atheist"
Thomas Jefferson comes pretty close. If he were around today he'd be a Unitarian.
For that matter I'm sure we've had one or two Agnostics who just paid lip-service to get elected.
c u n d gulag says:
I agree.
I should have said, "Openly Agnostic or Atheist."
anotherbozo says:
As usual I share c u n d's sentiments. But I'm cautioned by a quote from Charles P. Pierce this a.m., quoting from a 19th c. wag:
"Th' on'y man ye need to be afraid iv is th' man that's afraid iv ye."
Stirring up the hornet's nest can be entertaining, but you gotta keep your eye on them stingers. Them suckers is crazy.
RosiesDad says:
@Major Kong and c u n d:
I think we have an Agnostic in the WH right now. Yeah, he put on a good show going to church with Michelle and the girls and invokes the obligatory "God bless these United States" often enough but do you really think this is anymore than lip service? Nah, he's a Secular Humanist if ever there was one.
sluggo says:
Being an atheist is only fair.
God doesn't believe in us either.
c u n d gulag says:
You mean Obama's NOT a secret Muslim?!?!?!?!
Major Kong says:
If I had to pick who gets to have their finger on the nuclear button, I'll take the Agnostic over the fundamentalist end-timer any day.
When the culmination of your theology is the world ends, I'm not I want you to have the capability of actually making that happen.
Xynzee says:
If HC is the candidate, I'll have to sit this one out. Because I cannot stand her and her Repug Lite "Third-Way". She'll just implement the gamut of pro-Wall St, Ryanesque budget plans and union busting with nary a peep from our side because she's our Hillary. She'll do what Middle Seaman accuses Obama of, and then some.
I can imagine her opening up the Arctic (Slick did it) for drilling and fracking, and the K-XL will be stamped and done before she finishes saying her Oath of Office.
Sure the pants shitting and head exploding may offer some comic distraction from the horror of what we've unleashed, but sooner or later we'll be faced with the task of cleaning up the mess. But hey we've got tax payer subsidised insurance companies to with our bread and circuses which is nice.
Given the choice of slowly being sold piecemeal to the oligarchy or a quick death as the sun rises with the sunset. Then let's just be done with it shall we.
This has got to be the most political NPF ever.
Andrew says:
Obama appears to be a mainline Protestant in his practices. What's inside his head, only he knows.
JudgementComes says:
Probably will have a threesome with Monica…?
And I'll bet Hillary doesn't swallow.
Csicopper says:
It was Richard Nixon who was often thought of as soft on his religion. His professed Quakerism never got much attention that I recall.
A Magnet says:
Oh man.
Okay, Democrats, I know you never listen to advice, but gulag's comment has gotten me thinking:
Put a Muslim in the primaries.
You're saying this is a terrible idea, but just imagine it: every single Republican candidate will have to blink and /find a way not to say something horrendously bigoted./ Whatever asshole from the right puts on a pedestal would have to stand up and do speeches on national television while not saying something outrageously vile.
Before you finish dismissing the suggestion of some rando on the internet, do me a quick favor: name a Republican in the national spotlight (preferably one who has a non-zero chance of being selected as a presidential candidate) who would stand up and be a decent human being if they knew their opponent might end up being a Muslim. Please, just name one who wouldn't immediately wonder aloud, in front of a crowd of thousands, what their Muslim opponent would do if there was another 9/11 – just one candidate who wouldn't do this without realizing that what he'd said was both bafflingly stupid and horrifyingly repugnant.
While there remains some anti-Muslim sentiment across the political spectrum in America, I think most people would be rightfully disgusted with the stuff you just *know* the Republican candidate would say. And maybe they'd snap out of it and be disgusted with conservatism too. We can always dream, yeah? c:
noseflower says:
My money's on McKinley & T.R. How else do you explain that nomination? Completely out of character.
c u n d gulag says:
A Magnet,
Yeah, we can dream.
But I don't trust the American public on religious matters.
At least, not in my lifetime.
Too many "Christians" – most of whom have never read The New Testament for themselves, and instead, let some Bible-thumping grifter at the front of their church, interpret it for them.
Sifu Snafu says:
You're saying this is a terrible idea, but just imagine it: every single Republican candidate will have to blink and /find a way not to say something horrendously bigoted.
I think the actual result would be the candidates having low-level GOPers, wingnut commentators, and other surrogates spew the bile while they stand back and tut-tut and disavow such uncivil notions from a safe distance. The way they've been doing it.
And a not-insignificant portion of our esteemed electorate will eat that shit up with a spoon.
A Magnet says:
I don't know about that – major national candidates in Congress have been more than happy to spew that vile bullshit themselves. And that's when they're talking about someone they *suspect* is secretly Muslim – I'm sure the reaction would be much more irresistible if it was someone that was openly Muslim.
Eau says:
Lincoln's religious beliefs remain unclear, and it seems like he put a fair amount of effort into paying lip service, but even among those who knew him, there was disagreement over whether he was (personally) Agnostic.
Robert says:
I like to imagine HC running with either Elizabeth Warren or Nancy Pelosi as running mate. Potential assassins would be so conflicted.
The idea that there are people* in the USA who consider HC a liberal, however defined, still boggles me. But then, they think BHO is a socialist, so the Overton window is off in eleventh dimensional space somewhere.
*For a given value.
Xynzee says:
@Robert: Taking a punt, I'm guessing "liberal" = any one supporting abortion. Followed by equal rights of some description. They're about the only common denominators I can see.
Khaled says:
@A Magnet-
I'm betting at a good number of those people are convinced that the solider that was returned from Afghanistan is "secretly a Muslim" a la Homeland. "Openly" Muslim- it's hilarious to think what passes for "freedom of religion".
Barry says:
US in the UK Says:
August 8th, 2014 at 3:07 am
"I'm sorry but all I can think of if Hillary Clinton runs is the deafening, non-stop screeching that will engulf the US for the next several years.
You thought a black guy or Whitewater was a pain in the ass, all-things-Clinton will bring out the last remaining slimemolds.
Holy Hell. You wouldn't even have to turn on a tv or radio. There would be a permanent background sound everywhere in the US of rending and squawking."
They'll do it to any Democratic President. Period. Frankly, they've gotten vast mileage out of it, and they can switch to whomever at will. If Hillary lost the primary to Gov. Whomever, Whomever will become 'history's greatest monster!' within the week.