The Sounds of Real America are back.
Your response to the first three SORA prints was enthusiastic, so here are two more gems. If you ask me – and you did, obviously – these are even more amazing (read: bleak) than the original trio. Each print is 11"x14" on archival card stock, suitable for framing, wall mounting, or use as an improvised weapon. Only 20 of each design in the series will be available. To recap:
Fans of Gin and Tacos on Facebook are familiar with CAPSLOCK ED, a magical being who blog-only readers met briefly in Campaign of the Damned. He tends to post in series like "10 Things Grocery Stores Don't Want You to Know" (which was an actual "news" headline on CNN) and his latest bender is an ethnographic study of Americana called Sounds of Real America. It's a poignant study of the things one can only experience in the Real America, not in any fancy city or ivory tower university. It is the sound of the salt of the Earth living the simple life and experiencing things that only America can offer.
Reader / graphic designer Pauline Vassiliadis took it upon herself to surprise me with her visual interpretations of the SORA series. Being a fan of her talent and her appreciation for the absurd, my heart nearly exploded with joy when I saw the designs. I've decided to offer a small number of them to you, the readers. They combine my words with Pauline's aesthetic, capturing the essence of Real America in the process. Hang one of these babies on your wall to bring the magic of Muncie, IN or Macon, GA into your home.
SORA 1 and 5 are $40 each and $60 for the pair. Please get in touch with me (message the G&T Facebook page) if you're interested in these and you already purchased the first three – I'll cut you an even better deal on these two. BE THE FIRST KID ON YOUR BLOCK TO COLLECT ALL FIVE, AND THEN YOU WILL DEVELOP SPECIAL POWERS AND GET LAID.

Use the button below to purchase both at the 2/$60 price.
Delbort says:
Is there a deal associated with purchasing all five at once or have the original trilogy now gone out of print and I HAVE MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME?
christina catherine says:
Ed, Pauline… these are absolutely amazing. Please don't sell out of these. I'm moving in a month I would like to cover all of the mirrors in my new apartment with your prints.
LosMarathons says:
The Sam Goody price tag is a nice touch.
jon says:
Jeff says:
I didn't have the moneyz for the original trilogy when they existed…reprint time??
c u n d gulag says:
I love the photo's of the fat Real 'Murkans from The Heartland in their Hoveround's, placing their order at the drive through of a fast food joint.
THAT says it all – there is NOTHING more Real 'Murkan, than that!
Now, I'm no anorexic runway model myself – far from it – but at some point I think I might realize, even by myself, that I either need to lose weight, or get longer arms.
Or, maybe I don't know it, but Charmin also sells an extended bear arm with a bear claw to clean-up where the super-sized with extra-cheese fast food meal exits.
I wish I could afford the prints, they are AMAAAAAAAAAAZING!!!
Thanks for sharing, Ed.
Have a great weekend, all!!!
hoosierpoli says:
Ooh lord, it hurts. Too good Ed.
Bitter Scribe says:
That person in the bottom image–which way is he or she facing? Toward or away from the camera? I honestly can't tell.