"The American sports betting industry posted a record $13.71 billion in 2024 revenue, up from 2023’s record of $11.04 billion, according to the American Gaming Association’s annual report issued Wednesday."
This is going to end so badly. ...
Breaking: Cybertruck vandalized with $53 worth of eggs ...
The hiatus is over and it is once again time for MAILBAG. Fire away in the comments and we'll do as many of the questions as we can in an upcoming podcast! ...
The spike in unemployment that inevitably results from terminating tens of thousands of civil servants and restricting grant money will be dealt with the same way bad COVID numbers were dealt with: they will stop measuring and reporting, or they will simply lie.
"We stopped testing and then there were no COVID cases to report" but for every piece of data the government produces. Or used to produce. ...
Greg says:
I'm looking forward to it! Have you considered using twitter? In my opinion it's better than facebook because it's free, you choose who is in your feed, has a larger potential audience and no ex gfs.
c u n d gulag says:
Me and my Obama-lovin' Mama will be watching MSNBC tonight, until they declare an Obama win, or we fall asleep in our chairs.
But I'll look forward to what you have to write tomorrow.
deep says:
I'm just wondering how many days will pass before some nutjob decides he didn't like the results and does something horrible.
Hazy Davy says:
I will not be watching the absurdities. Volleyball will be better.
But let me pre-emptively get some zingers in:
– Screw Husted. Seriously. Just screw that guy.
– Pennsylvania wasn't really in play? Who coulda guessed?
– Chill out about Virginia. It's not important.
– I guess the Scott Walker machine is stronger than we suspected. Huh!
– Yeah. It feels good to be in a state with a known outcome. Now, I bet you're rethinking that decision to move to Cincinnati from San Diego, huh? Not as good as it looked, at first.
– Boy are you confused, Colorado. At least support Johnson at 5%.
gipper says:
people didnt do too many additional horrible things above the baseline when obama was elected the first time, neither after most us presidential elections as far as im aware. what makes you think that they will take it harder this time? nutjob gonna nut whatever you do, but i dont think the rate of incidence or whats it called is gonna go up much.
ladiesbane says:
I'm with Greg. Besides, Twitter is where I get 80% of my news and 67% of my comedy, so G&T should fit nicely.
Elle says:
I'm with Greg and Ladiesbane. I am looking forward to the delightfully retro experience of being in a chatroom, though, and to 'meeting' some of you.
Mrs. Chili says:
I'm in!
anotherbozo says:
@ gipper: I'm waiting for the book to come out, after all's said and done, that details how many death threats against Obama the SS has had to contend with re: other administrations. I expect astronomical numbers. Just a hunch.
If voting here in NYC is any indication (I just had to wait an hour to cast my ballot vs no line in 35 years), the vigor of the national vote is gonna rival 2008. Another hunch.
Chicagojon says:
IL constitutional amendment vote on the ballot today:
Proposed Amendment to the 1970 Illinois Constitution Explanation of Amendment
Upon approval by the voters, the proposed amendment, which takes effect on January 9, 2013, adds a new section to the General Provisions Article of the Illinois Constitution. The new section would require a three-fifths majority vote of each chamber of the General Assembly or the governing body of a unit of local government, school district, or pension or retirement system, in order to increase a benefit under any public pension or retirement system. At the general election to be held on November 6, 2012, you will be called upon to decide whether the proposed amendment should become part of the Illinois Constitution.
If you believe the Illinois Constitution should be amended to require a three-fifths majority vote in order to increase a benefit under any public pension or retirement system, you should vote YES on the question. If you believe the Illinois Constitution should not be amended to require a three-fifths majority vote in order to increase a benefit under any public pension or retirement system, you should vote NO on the question. Three-fifths of those voting on the question or a majority of those voting in the election must vote "YES" in order for the amendment to become effective on January 9, 2013.
For the proposed addition of Section 5.1 to Article XIII of the Illinois Constitution.
This could have been written as:
Under the current law, any changes to retirement benefits or public pension of a local government or school district require a 50% majority vote by the governing body. Do you want to amend the Illinois constitution to require a 60% majority vote?
YES (continue to require 50%)
NO (require 60%)
In order for this to become an amendment effective 1/9/2013 it must receive at least 60% votes for 'No'.
This is (yet another) great example of why our elections suck. Even on good, simple, local issues where I'd like to give my voice it's a battle by the legislators and lawyers to make it as confusing as fuck. Note that I'm not calling for a 'this will make local unions stronger' or 'here's a list of previous amendments to the IL constitution – note all of the partisan bullshit that has failed in the past' – it's just the bullshit legal language. Of course there is an easy argument to be made that 'my way' is just as likely to sway towards the status quo…that's fine. Then make a standard for how these are listed that is clearly defined, but do it with the interest of the average voter in mind and a goal of making voting worthwhile.
IRC says:
Hey ED, I already setup a webchat for you. Just add a link to http://chat.gamme.co/ on your page.
jjack says:
@gipper: Because in 2008 they could write it off as "One Big Ass Mistake, America". In 2012 they will have to find some other explanation, like "the election was rigged" or "democracy is a dumb idea, anyway".
vivacom says:
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