I loved David Lynch's work as much as I hated listening to him talk about art. The whole "Do what you love, do it well, just be yourself" thing sounds great but is actually horrendous advice unless you're already successful or independently wealthy. If you actually have to pay rent and stuff do not approach any creative field like that! ...
Is there a word for when you take your conclusion and state it as a fact that serves as the premise of your argument ...
This experiment with letting a small handful of people amass most of the wealth in a society and then inflict something devastating on the world when they reach middle age and realize no one likes them seems to have run its 5000-year course. We might not need to run additional trials. ...
Eric says:
is this before or after he was crying?
Sarah says:
I spend a lot of time watching the History Channel, so I've seen that many times, natch. But in line with your previous post, it just occurred to me that there may be a lot of adolescents and young adults who would look at that image and wonder who these people are and what they are doing. (The latest Twilight novel-turned-movie is on track to make $140 million in its opening weekend. Pray–or weep–for humanity.)
johnnyboy says:
Found it interesting that they didn't actually "officially" pronounce him dead for quite some time. And J. Edgar's phone call to Robert was rather crass: "He's dead" and then hangs up? WTF? Some interesting parallels in today's climate re: the treatment of the POTUS by the folks that don't want him in office. Respect and decency, anyone?
greatestwirefan says:
Thank you. Not many tributes today.
Ed says:
He was not declared dead because A) they wanted to ensure that they had someone available to administer the oath to LBJ and B) they wanted to keep up the pretense that he was alive so he could be administered the Catholic sacrament of Extreme Unction before he died. That's pretty important to Catholics.
Technically they still had a pulse and heartbeat when he arrived at the hospital, although the priest they found to give him his Rites claims that the body had a sheet pulled over his face when he arrived.
jazzbumpa says:
Ed –
This is actually the only thing I've seen on the web today relating to Kennedy's assassination.
Thank you.
JzB the somber trombonist