I have immunity to scams as an adult because in my adolescence I was innoculated with a weak strain of scam that gave me lifetime protection. ...
I'm no fancy Strategist but this seems like much more effective messaging than "I love Reagan too!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...
Exclusive photo from inside the Strategic Crypto Reserve ...
I like how this whole thing was supposed to be a media stunt to show everyone how united they are behind the Great Man and the visual they produced looks like a Brezhnev-era politburo meeting where the one agronomist with access to the real numbers just told them about the wheat forecast. ...
blogenfreude says:
1. Circular firing squad;
2. Bayonet all survivors;
3. WIN!
Web Dunce says:
Excellent commentary, as usual. However I have to somewhat disagree with your assertion that the GOP of 2009 is no different than GOP of 1980. Today's GOP, particularly the Senate, is nothing more than a conglomeration of religious hacks whose three main policy objectives revolve around guns, god and gays – always peppered with the no tax meme. What I find most interesting about the Party of Reagan ™ is that they came up with the crazy concept of trickle down economics, which resonated with millions of Americans. The Reaganites basically dumbed down the theory to such an extent that it became perceived as too simple to fail. We all know now that it was a total load of shit. I get the whole "branding" thing that they are trying to pull off now. They know that they need to come up with another whacked out scheme to convince Americans that they know what they're talking about. Fortunately, they will lose this one on two fronts. 1. The people are on to them. 2. They don't have the brain power to come up with a new "solution." I sincerely hope that Rush continues to lead.
Kulkuri says:
The answer is more Tax Cuts For The Rich, now what was the question??
I find it ironic that Rush Limpballs got a $400 million contract and he is doing his damnest to take his party out of contention entirely!!
What I find encouraging is hearing some talk about how they need a new party because the Repukes don't represent them anymore!!
Matthew says:
Since I like clarifying on Ed's behalf, I would just like to respond to Mr. Dunce by suggesting that the phrase "GOP 2009 is no different than GOP 1980" is not something that Ed believes, but is the opinion of the GOP strategists who are being lambasted in this entire post.
Web Dunce says:
Thanks Matthew. Point taken. BTW, it's Ms. Dunce. : )
Michael says:
I wish I was an undergrad where you teach. I would so love your class.
Steve T. says:
I used to be so furious at the attitude of the left in general and liberals in particular. How they were so fixated on ideological purity that they handed election after election to their enemies. How they were so convinced of the correctness of their cause that if a reasonable person didn't agree, it must be because he didn't understand, and needed to hear the whole pitch again, only louder. And if that didn't work, time for a protest rally!! Or a tea party! Or something.
And look who's doing it now. I suspect the only thing that could shock the right out of their mental paralysis is to be told they are acting EXACTLY LIKE the Dirty Fucking Hippies they hate so much. So let's not tell them.
MildlyDisturbed says:
First pic of GOP listening tour.
KRK says:
It seems that "lecturing crowds about why they should like you" is all the rage on the right these days. Yesterday Roy Edroso at alicublog dissected a charming post up at RedState addressed to "Dear American Blacks."
J. Dryden says:
Isn't it about time to trot out the truism that "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results"? Though "stupidity" would work just as well. And "hubris."
MildlyDisturbed says:
The GOP has become the pup tent party.
MarilynJean says:
KRK: That posting is comedy genius and not condescending at all. Why, I didn't know that my nonexistent children are being robbed by the Democratic Party. Good thing I know now!
Ed: I'm sure you don't take requests, but I beg you. PLEASE FJM this. Please.
Matthew says:
Egads! Terribly sorry, Ms. Dunce. I should have said "Commenter Dunce" or some other non-gendered title.
I do think your evaluation of the party's current position versus where it was thirty years ago is entirely true, by the way.
oldfatherwilliam says:
Can't we agree that Rush, tendentious blowhard that he is, is not stupid? It must then be that he cares little for the GOP itself and much more for the Rush Brand, which coins money as it keeps the rubes entranced with it all. Somebody should consider marketing Rush pinatas, Pin the Tail on the Rush images, stuff like that. I'd buy, just to annoy. And the commenter is right, your undergrads are luckier than they know.
Agi says:
Where's the free pizza?
comrade x says:
Limbaugh has fallen into the classic trap that is the downfall of many a demogouge: he has started to believe his own propaganda.