I have immunity to scams as an adult because in my adolescence I was innoculated with a weak strain of scam that gave me lifetime protection. ...
I'm no fancy Strategist but this seems like much more effective messaging than "I love Reagan too!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...
Exclusive photo from inside the Strategic Crypto Reserve ...
I like how this whole thing was supposed to be a media stunt to show everyone how united they are behind the Great Man and the visual they produced looks like a Brezhnev-era politburo meeting where the one agronomist with access to the real numbers just told them about the wheat forecast. ...
Kulkuri says:
After the last few years, those that have a 401K or IRA have only got pocket change left in their accounts. But the Palin supporters don't want to be confused by the facts.
comrade x says:
I hope she gets nominated. After she loses in a landslide it will would be interesting to see which lies the reactionaries come up with to keep their delusions alive.
comrade x says:
I hope she gets nominated. After she loses in a landslide it will would be interesting to see which lies the reactionaries come up with to keep their delusions alive.
Daniel says:
This isn't fair. You obviously pasted this out of Mad Magazine.
OliverWendellHolmslice says:
Delusions of grandeur sold seperately
qmmayer says:
Here's an indication of her political mindset these days:
Some say her AG pick is a right wing extremist. Others say he's just incompetent. Smart money is on both.
grendelkhan says:
Are people still driving "gas-guzzlin' SUV[s]" out of spite nowadays? I know gas prices came back down, but you'd think that people would remember that "but it pisses off liberals!" isn't a very good method for planning your life, at least for a little while.