I am sitting in BWI (no free wireless – thanks, dicks) next to a man wearing what might be the first sportcoat ever made and reading Handguns Magazine. I am tempted to ask "How did you feel when Obama won: happy or really happy?
Dulles, at which I arrived, is the dumbest airport I have ever seen. Its layout suggests that it was designed by a group of architects who got titanically drunk and drew an airport to Idi Amin's specifications. Dulles consists of four entirely separate buildings.
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Rather than underground walkways or a tram, passengers are moved from terminal to terminal by enormous motorized platforms which look like strip mining equipment. If there is a more idiotic way to run an airport I hope never to encounter it, as it likely involves catapults.
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Pat says:
You're saying that, if you were given an opportunity to be flung by catapult from one building to another, and were given credible assurances of safety, you wouldn't be tempted?
Shane says:
I have to agree with Pat, the experience would make for a good blog post. In the next ten days I will have the "joy" of experiencing Omaha (actually a pretty decent airport), O'hare, the new and improved London Heathrow, Belfast, Dublin and Manchester's airports. While I am excited about the trip, I am not thrilled by the prospect of so much airport/airplane time.
Bad Will says:
I bought a ticket at Dulles for a flight to Atlanta, boarded one of those rolling bread loaves, and upon "arrival" walked immediately to the gate…and missed the flight. They would not open the gate/door for me. And they would not refund my money. I flipped out, not unlike the woman on TV lately, though I managed to stay on my feet. Thank you Dulles and Air Tran.
Shane says:
Ahhh! Where's my morning injection of satire, information and bile? It is not a Saturday or Sunday, and yet there is no new post… I am like the ant on a bug's life that has encountered a break in the line.
Jude says:
Furthermore, what you should've done with Handguns guy is a variation of what Colbert does with liberal guests… y'know casually poise yourself, and ask him: "Barack Obama — Great President or The Greatest?".