I loved David Lynch's work as much as I hated listening to him talk about art. The whole "Do what you love, do it well, just be yourself" thing sounds great but is actually horrendous advice unless you're already successful or independently wealthy. If you actually have to pay rent and stuff do not approach any creative field like that! ...
Is there a word for when you take your conclusion and state it as a fact that serves as the premise of your argument ...
This experiment with letting a small handful of people amass most of the wealth in a society and then inflict something devastating on the world when they reach middle age and realize no one likes them seems to have run its 5000-year course. We might not need to run additional trials. ...
Mark says:
I'm sure he'll do us all proud by explaining his sacking as a part of the liberal/socialist agenda to keep right-wing "journalists" out of the media.
I particularly like the part of his opinion piece about how the conservative policies of the "Reagan-Bush-Gingrich-Bush" years have worked so well…. It must be nice to be able to make a living out of writing without ever having to cite sources or facts to support your views.
Mark says:
Kristol is beyond a pathological liar, he's a purposeful liar, a Goebbels of the 2000's. I don't read the Times, purposely because it's such a propaganda tool. I was tempted to read Kristol on occasion to see how low the Times would go to maintain it's heap of propaganda.
Good Riddance! I'm sure glad I'll never be tempted to read the Times again, and I won't see Kristol's absurdities popping up as headlines on TruthDig or RawStory ever again.