Somehow this is 1000000 times worse than I expected.
Ho. Ly. Shit.
If you can watch this and still vote for her, you are beyond hope. There is something wrong with you.
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I'm not that old, but in 29 years of obsessing over the political process this is the single most pathetic 90 seconds of video I have ever seen. Bar none.
Shane says:
I am willing to wager a substantial bit of money that most of my undergrads could have given a more intelligent response to this question. I don't think she can even name a single Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade.
Ed says:
How fucking hard is it to say "Boy, that Dred Scott decision sucked!"
Granted, she was asked to name a case she disagreed with and therefore couldn't whip out Bush v Gore or Brown v Board of Education, but for CHRIST'S SAKE. Not ONE? She can't even name another Supreme Court case that right-wingers hate?
Lawrence v Texas?
Hamdan v Rumsfeld?
Kati says:
God, tomorrow is going to be better than my birthday. I CAN'T WAIT!
cerb says:
This isn't surprising considering she also can't name one magazine or newspaper that she has read over the past two years. To be honest I was just hoping for a slip of Brown v. Board of Education, but what can you do?
Brandon says:
The thing is, I think she still could have salvaged herself without naming a specific case, if she had at least given an indication of her judicial philosophy. I think a perfectly acceptable answer would have been, "Well, I don't want to single out a specific case, but I agree with John McCain that judges shouldn't legislate from the bench," or "Supreme Court justices should strictly interpret the constitution." The most appalling thing is that, aside from not naming a specific case, she doesn't appear to have ever given ANY thought to the role of the supreme court, to the point that she isn't even able to speak about the TYPES of decisions she opposes.