Boy, I wish this had come out before I wrote today's entry:
"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," Clinton said in an interview with USA TODAY.
Clinton cited an Associated Press poll "that found how Senator Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.
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I rest my case. It would be an act of charity for someone to stop her before she humiliates herself any further.
Stephanopolous and McGovern have abandoned ship.
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After hearing things like this, I wonder how many more of her high-visibility supporters are going to flee the proverbial bunker rather than stick around for the fight-to-the-last-man followed by group suicide.
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vghoul says:
My jaw actually dropped a little.
Had this come out last week, I'd have attended her appearance with a giant facepalm.gif sign.
Kulkuri says:
The media has spent a lot of air time since Super Tuesday babbling about how she has the support of the white working class and she is believing the hype. The amazing thing is that she is dumb enough to come right out and say it in front of cameras.
julie says:
You liberals want to make everything about race and everything–even the plainly obvious–is countered with "Well, you must be racist!" That will again be the downfall of the Democrats in this election. When all is said and done, again you all will not take responsibility but will blame the Clintons for Barry Obama losing, much like they are blamed for Gore's shitty campaign. The truth of course is that Kerry, Gore, and Obama are crappy candidates.