Back during the heady days of the Ginaissance, I used ginandtacos to share with the world a recipe for sizzurp – the gin and prescription cough syrup-based cocktail underlying such modern musical masterpieces as Three 6 Mafia's "Sippin on Some Sizzurp." So it is with sadness and a sense of social responsibility that I must note the passing of Pimp C, one of the performers on that track. To exactly no one's surprise, the coroner notes that he died from promethazine/codeine overdose. The man OD'd on cough syrup. Think about that for a second. How much goddamn cough syrup do you have to drink to end up dead?

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While I can't answer that question it's only fair to note that partaking of the sizzurp is not all fun and games. Apparently it's possible to ride the Tussin Train straight into the afterlife. Dying from Robotripping….talk about disillusionment. I don't even recognize this world anymore.

3 thoughts on “NPF: SIZZURP NO MORE”

  • Did anyone else notice that, in its obituary article for Pimp C, embedded a flash slideshow featuring 'Monstah Bling'?

    I can only hope I go out that way!

  • My next-door-neighbor in the small town in Georgia where I grew up was hooked on cough syrup. As is the requirement for old white men in small towns in Georgia, he had a ridiculous nickname: "Snooks" Daniel. This may or may not have contributed to the addiction.

    Anyway, he spent most days in bed (I know this because his wife had my sister and me over for dinner [which was actually lunch – it's a southern thing] pretty often, and we'd have to walk through his bedroom to get to the kitchen. He'd just lie there propped up on his pillows, glassy-eyed, watching soap operas until he'd run out of cough syrup and drag himself out of bed to drive to the store.

    His gigantic, old-man car became mysteriously and increasingly banged up over the months, as he'd run into (I can only guess) mailboxes and who knows what else between home and the drugstore and back. But, gradually, word got around, and none of the drugstores would sell it to him anymore.

    It was pretty sad to watch him decline and eventually die, and although it didn't stop my friends and me from tussin' now and then, it sure was an eye-opener about the less glamourous, decidedly un-pimp-like, side of drinking cough syrup.

  • Sizzurp doesn't have Gin or any other kind of alcohol in it; the only psychoactive substances it contains are promethazine and codeine.. and Robo-tripping is a completely different drug (DeXtroMethorphan.)

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