Exclusive photo from inside the Strategic Crypto Reserve ...
I like how this whole thing was supposed to be a media stunt to show everyone how united they are behind the Great Man and the visual they produced looks like a Brezhnev-era politburo meeting where the one agronomist with access to the real numbers just told them about the wheat forecast. ...
"The collapse of society will be a good thing, because the weak will die and strong people like me will survive, prosper, and emerge from the ashes to assume our rightful place at the top" says man who experienced a complete breakdown from which he never recovered because he couldn't go to Home Depot and Golden Corral for a couple weeks in 2020. ...
J. Dryden says:
Oh, great–here we go: another negative nancy in the blogopsphere, focusing only on the *collateral* damage and completely ignoring the countless ways in which Iraq is a progressively happier and more stable place than it was before the surge. Well, personally, I don't know where you get your facts, Ed, but I hear all I need to from a certain Op-Ed columnist on the NY Times page, a Mr. William Kristol–perhaps you've heard of him? And *he* says that in Iraq things are swell, democracy is flourishing, people walk well-lit streets in safety, and the children regularly s*** rainbows. So excuse me for preferring to focus on the positive, rather than on the factual.
Chris says:
Does Bush really think people are stupid enough to believe something like a surge and "David Betray-Us" is going to work at this point, and it is anything but a distraction?!? I think the most pathetic part of the cons and Bush are they've flat out run out of excuses and distractions for Iraq. Iraq is Vietnam: the Sequel Accomplished! Congrats Bush!
When you've occupied a country for 5+ years, spent half a trillion dollars on a war, and have absolutely no idea what is going on there or why you are even there anymore, I think you can chalk this up to a complete and utter failure. I think I am most amazed that America is in another Vietnam situation. I thought this would never happen again and most people would be sick to their stomach at the possibility, but here we are. Hope things change after the 2008 election.