Hopefully you've seen this story by now, and if not then let this be a quick summary:
Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America's stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush's senior women officials: "I hate all Iranians."
And she also accused Britain of "dismantling" the Anglo-US-led coalition in Iraq by pulling troops out of Basra too soon.
The all-party group of MPs say Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary Robert Gates, made the comments this month.
Big deal, right? High-ranking member of the Bush foreign policy apparatus is completely ignorant, racist, and generally grasps world affairs at the level of an average 7th-grader. And now the punchline. This is Debra Cagan:

Nazi symbols make great pendants!
OK. Deep breath. I can't decide if she looks more like:
All I know for sure is that I may never get another erection.
-h says:
Awesome. There's my Halloween costume…
Matthew says:
Klaus! Klaus is the correct answer!
Chris says:
Thanks for making me projectile vomit. Wow, there is actually a women more grotesque looking than Ann Coultergeist. I thought she was just a myth like Sasquatch.
m says:
Is that an Iron Cross she's wearing? It would explain the hostility towards Britain…
Nate says:
That's totally Skeletor.
At first I thought it was Conor Oberst miserably failing at being a drag queen.