Here is a loosely-organized group of thoughts about the overhyped Democratic Primary debate on CNN last night.

First and foremost, Wolf Blitzer needs a tall glass of Shut the Fuck Up. His handling of the debate made Gwen Ifill's unbelievably embarassing Bush-Kerry 2004 performance look like Edward R. Murrow on performance-enhancing drugs. Dodd's campaign made this amusing graphic to highlight Wolf's verbal diarrhea.

Second, Hillary Clinton is dangerous and the other candidates should take her seriously. Her record is a litany of idiotic statements, centrist waffling, and failure, but much like her husband she eats up these televised connect-with-the-voters opportunities. There's no substance, but she clearly has presence that the others lack.

Third, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden are just wanking themselves off by entering this race.
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It is probably the strongest Democratic field in 30 years and they are absolutely wasting time and money. They are non-entities compared to the big guns.

Fourth, John Edwards' loss in 2004 is really working to his advantage. He's been "outside" the game for three years and is now in the enviable position of being able to take potshots at the "Washington insiders" who have been in the Senate tying themselves to a track record since 2004. He will hammer Clinton and Obama on their Senate records and there's nothing they can do about it.

Fifth, Bill Richardson made a tremendous mistake by not running (and getting killed) in 2004. A guy like him needs one candidacy just to get his name out there. Had he run in 2004 and gotten his name in the ring as an early 2008 candidate, he'd be getting more out of this race.

Sixth, the past several weeks have convinced me of a point that a Republican friend brought up with me several years ago: the Democrats' strongest candidate in 2008 is Al Gore running an "I told you so" campaign. He won't do it. It's too late and there are too many strong horses in the race. But he has really hit his stride in the past seven years and I think he'd be mopping the floor with these people.

Seventh, nothing could be worse than getting cocky at this point, but I can realistically see four candidates – Clinton, Obama, Edwards, and Richardson – who would absolutely slaughter any of the C-list jackasses being trotted out by the GOP. Then again, this was true in 2004.
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But John Kerry and his friend Bob "Kiss of Death" Shrum found a way to lose anyhow. The Republican field in 2008 is as bad as any field in recent memory – only the 1984 Democratic field comes to mind as an equivalent example.

Eighth, Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich are going to come to blows when a debate moderator finally asks the question, "Who in this field is closest to being insane? I don't mean eccentric, I mean pickin'-peanuts-out-of-crap crazy."

And now, on to the GOP cavalcade of errors.