Due to the fact that I am in the process of moving, I will have to keep this short and sweet. Leave it to a brilliant man like Vice President Cheney to perfectly crystallize the ideal solution to the ongoing fiasco in Iraq.
On his "surprise visit" to Baghdad, Mr. Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain plans to give a stirring motivational speech to the Iraqi government informing them that "It's game time." Seriously.
Like a bad high school history teacher, we are now resorting to sports metaphors to address major political crises. Exactly what type of reaction does he sincerely hope to get from a speech like this? Is the entire Iraqi Council of Puppets and Men Marked for Death going to look suprised and say "Shit, it's Game Time? Well why didn't you tell us that before? Come on guys, if it's Game Time then let's get our asses in gear!
Alright, Iraq. It's 3rd-and-goal and you're in the two minute drill. Someone needs to step up and be your nation's John Elway.
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