1a. Did anyone else catch Shepard Smith losing his f'n mind on Fox News at about 1 AM (EST)? He looked like his head was going to explode and went on some bizzare, incomprehensible 90-second rant about how the Democrats will need to find a leader to step up and realize that the war we are in is a war for the existence of our civilization. After that it became essentially impossible to understand, as he threw disconnected batches of words at the screen while choking back tears and bile.

1b. I came to the stunning and somewhat sad realization last night that, in voting for Baron Hill in my Congressional race, it marked the first time in my life that I have voted for someone for President, Senate, or Congress who actually won. Mind you, I have voted in every election after 1994. Unfuckingbelievable.
2. Whatever happens in Montana and Virginia, I hope to God it is decided by the recounts and not by the courts.
I don't think America can take another 6-week vote-counting debacle that is ultimately decided by a nonsensical ruling from a Republican judge.
3. Where did I go wrong with the Senate calls? Well, in Tennessee I did the classic bet-with-your-heart-instead-of-your-brain. I really like Harold Ford and I wanted him to win.
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All signs indicated otherwise, though. In New Jersey, I think I've learned something about underestimating the power of corrupt but incredibly powerful Democratic urban turnout machines.
Kean was the better candidate, but the GOP's disadvantages in that state are just too huge. Lesson learned.
4. When the smoke clears, the Democrats will have about 30-32 House gains.
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They did better than expected thanks to a strong showing out west. WY-At Large will end up being decided in a recount and is incredibly close. That the Republicans could end up hanging on for dear life in such a seat is stunning.
5. The miracle of gerrymandering in action: of California's 53 House seats, exactly one changed party control. One. But it was a big one – noted lunatic defense industry hooker Dick Pombo was taken down. In Illinois, none of the 19 seats flipped.
6. I hate Joe Lieberman. Jesus H Tap-Dancing Christ on a Crutch, do I ever hate Joe Lieberman.
cerb says:
Morning Ed.
Montana is waiting on one precinct to report, some bumblefuck towns with roughly 900 registered voters in total. Tester wins, he cannot lose unless ballots start appearing out of nowhere.
Webb is up 3K in Virginia and only five precincts are left to report. They've already counted absentee and provisionals.
Cautiously optimistic….
Ed says:
Webb is a foregone conclusion unless something funky happens in the courts. 22k absentee/provisional ballots are yet to be counted from Fairfax, which is about 130% Democratic.
As for Montana, it will be even closer but I think Tester's solid. There are only about 3 counties where anyone actually lives, and they're all 100% counted.
Christina says:
Is there a copy of that rant on YouTube yet?!
I so much wish to see that!
Ed says:
I browsed around YouTube and Crooks&Liars – they usually have cable news clips up in a hurry. I haven't found anything – unfortunately it happened so late (and so much of the liberal viewership was likely to be watching other networks) that I'm not sure Shep's rant will attract much attention.
If nothing else, I will find a transcript.
Billy Bob Joe says:
Joe Liberman… that man has single-handedly destroyed Droopy for me. At least I still have Tom and Jerry.