Hi. I'm in Montana. I have been for quite some time and I will be until July.
I don't particularly smell good and I don't figure to have interweb access much beyond the occasional wired truck stop (this terminal is located directly behind a rack of – I shit you not – Larry the Cable Guy merchandise).
Given that there are technically three people who post on this page, I didn't figure that my going on vacation would mean two-plus weeks without updates.
I was incorrect. For those of you who still bother reading despite the lack of updates, thank you.
This morning, whilst driving across something called "Going to the Sun Road" I listened to the most recent Nine Inch Nails album With Teeth for one of the first times since I reviewed it (Check the music section for a refresher. Hint: it blows). Now, when driving for approximately 5500 miles round trip, one tends to exhaust an entire music collection pretty quickly – both the wheat and the chaff.
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But it struck me as particularly obvious while listening to my ol' buddy Trent's latest work – I purchased this entirely out of loyalty. When he puts out another album, I will purchase it again out of loyalty and habit. It will not be good. It will rot on my CD rack, but it will crucially keep intact the completeness of my collection (although I'm quitting at "Halo 100" no matter what).
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Am I the only person who does this? Please say I'm not. It will make me feel better. Besides, I know a lot of you went to see the 3rd Star Wars prequel. Don't tell me you went because you thought it would rule. What compels people to continue supporting burnt out franchises? I always knew I had a completist/collector mentality towards things, but listening to this disc is making me wonder if I've taken it too far.
Matthew says:
I don't pretend to speculate on why you in particular choose (or are compelled) to support burnt-out franchises, but I suppose it might have something to do with the preference one might have for giving money to somebody who at least was good once, even if they aren't any more.
Of course, buying it and listening to it twice are different things. Maybe you felt like doing some penance? I mean, this isn't a hairshirt or anything, but…
Samantha says:
I have every single bootleg-single-import-noise experiment-whatever release from Sonic Youth…up to a point. And that's a lot. But I stopped after "Experimental Jet Set, Trash, and No Star" (or whatever it's called). I don't really know why, except that they just weren't doing it for me anymore. Perhaps I was just growing out of that musical phase of my life? Maybe they began to slip? Maybe it was just a lull in the genius. Who knows?
Enjoy your trip and reacquainting yourself with your cd collection. Me? I'm going to the 10th Annual Corndogorama tonight to hear some great live music.
Matthew says:
By the way, here's an oddly appropriate WP article:
Samantha says:
I thought you'd be all over this by now:
Maddie says:
I share your capitalist loyalties. The new Kate Bush disappointed me far, far more than the latest Nine Inch Nails, but I'm already more committed to a lifetime of increasingly "lite" albums than I would be to my own (hypothetical) marriage.
Anonymous says:
I buy every new AC/DC album despite the fact that they are all identical. AC/DC was my favorite band for years. I leared how to play guitar because I wanted to be Angus Young. When a new album comes out I just buy it without even thinking.
Ed says:
Does AC-DC make new songs or just new titles?
They're the great answer to the question "How many songs can you write in 4/4 at 88 beats per minute?"