I loved David Lynch's work as much as I hated listening to him talk about art. The whole "Do what you love, do it well, just be yourself" thing sounds great but is actually horrendous advice unless you're already successful or independently wealthy. If you actually have to pay rent and stuff do not approach any creative field like that! ...
Is there a word for when you take your conclusion and state it as a fact that serves as the premise of your argument ...
This experiment with letting a small handful of people amass most of the wealth in a society and then inflict something devastating on the world when they reach middle age and realize no one likes them seems to have run its 5000-year course. We might not need to run additional trials. ...
erik says:
So, presumably the title has both metaphoric and literal meaning. How clever of them.
Ed says:
Ambrosini says:
I personally can not wait for this movie now. We already had a barcrawl to celebrate its greatness and now they come out and say that they reshot some scenes to give it an R rating. And there aint a god damn thing you can do about it!
mike says:
Executive Producer to screenwriter: "Samuel Jackson, Federal Witness, Plane and lots of killer snakes. Do you need me to draw you a roadmap?"
mike says:
fyi: clip of the movie,
"I've had it with the snakes" indeed.
fyi #2: I just learned that awesome Hong-Kong action filmmaker (Bride with White Hair) turned mediocre American horror filmmaker (Bride of Chucky, Freddy vs. Jason) Ronny Yu signed up to direct but left after budget and creative difficulties. Creative difficulties? Too many or too few snakes?
Ed says:
Anyone else notice that Samuel L's dipshit-looking partner in photo #1 is a Jimmy Fallon lookalike?
Do you mean to tell me that they honestly couldn't afford the real Jimmy Fallon? I can't imagine he's all that expensive.
beth says:
hahahahaa i'm sooo glad you posted this. i've been obsessing over it for over a month now. i am having a SoaP themed-party.