**It has come to my attention that some ginandtacos.com readers believe this entry to be immature and cruel. Once again, it would seem that people found themselves focusing on the one point wherein they could utilize all their worthless pent up reactionary energy, thereby completely missing out on actual meaning. So, for all of you who are too amazingly stupid to read between the lines, I will spell out for you what it was I was talking about.
2. It is ridiculous for someone to sue as a result of them not being offered a free service.
3. It is even more ridiculous to assume that her sister's mental problems which resulted in drug abuse were caused by Deleese not getting free plastic surgery.
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I have not written anything for ginandtacos for quite some time now. Last week I began writing something that turned into an exceptionally long, more than likely quite boring, description of "intelligent design.
" Perhaps if in the future I can manage to get it to be more amusing and less depressing I might post it. That said, I have decided that my first post will not be visiting any type of intellectual subject. Rather, I will talk about how exceptionally fucking ugly Deleese Williams is.
Mrs. Williams is in fact so ugly that she applied for the show Extreme Makeover on ABC. For those few of you who are unfamiliar (consider yourselves lucky) this show involves everything surgery and style can muster to make someone who was previously unattractive into someone who is marginally less hideous. That said, amongst all the heinously beastly people in the world (celebrity mom's excluded) one would have to assume that you would have to be near to the top of stack of painfully mirror shattering ugly to make it onto this show.
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I know the picture is of fairly low quality, but the accompanying article makes a point of telling us that she has:
"[a] deformed jaw, crooked teeth, droopy eyes and tiny boobs"
If there is a moral to the story it is that in the end her "procedure" was going to take longer than the time frame allotted by the reality television program. Hence, her makeover was cancelled and she had to return to Texas (in her words) "as ugly as I left? I was supposed to come home pretty."
Well, she did not come home pretty. As a result, she is suing ABC. Amongst the claims:
- The network intentionally humiliated Deleese Williams
- The network broke its contract with Deleese by not making "payment" for the humiliation
- The network caused Deleese's sister to OD on pills booze and cocaine
Yep…that’s about it.
Oh, right. Did I forget to mention the Cocaine, booze, and pills. Yeah, that’s a central player. Apparently her sister was so distraught about the derogatory things she had said that she developed a Cocaine, booze and pills habit.
Now…that’s about it.
Samantha says:
"[a] deformed jaw, crooked teeth, droopy eyes and tiny boobs"
That sounds like Ann Coulter.
J. Dryden says:
It does, but this woman doesn't have an army of conservative apologists insisting that she's "hot." But it does point to an easy solution to her problem; all she has to do it take a tire-iron upside the head until she suffers irreversible brain-damage, then have the media shoot some footage of her staring off into space, then have her family threaten to yank her life support, and then dozens of congressional pundits will spend months talking about how "beautiful and truly special" she is. And it's much cheaper and efficient than any silly 'make-over.'
Ed says:
Looking at her makes me want to do cocaine. If I had to do so daily, I'd be snorting it by the pound.
what says:
hey no make-up hair not done how would you fell and oh yea the sister was bi-polar look it up
DBS says:
Anyone who would even CONSIDER writing such cruel stuff about a person they've never even met is far uglier than Denise could ever dream of being. You people are immature, ugly jerks, and are one of the main reasons that there are so many unhappy people in this world. I don't care if you're 9 years old (which is what you sound like) or 90, you have no right.
DBS says:
Yeah, I know…it's DELEESE, but that's not the point. I was just so stunned at your immature cruelty I couldn't even spell.
Ed says:
Even though you can't spell or use punctuation properly, we still think you're beautiful and special.
Erik says:
Perhaps you are unaware of a device commonly known as sarcasm. I thought that I was laying it on pretty thick… but who knows? Even comments so obvious a trained mule could have picked up on it go over the head of some people. Well done.
MM says:
This story is so preposterous that I would not have commented at all except that the other posters seem to have an unhealthy obssession with Ann Coulter and "social class"…
This obviously sad woman deserves pity because even though she is old enough to marry & have kids, she is immature enough to respond to life in this manner. To wrap herself so completely around this makeover idea? Why does she "need" plastic sugery to feel good about herself? Her shrink told her that to feel good she needs to have her eyelids pulled & her jaw broken and refashioned? If my shrink told me I needed that, I would have walked away and reported the charlatan to the state board regulating the practice of psychiatry in my state. She doesn't leave the house because she is ashamed and shops for groceries at night? Are we to assume she doesn't work either? Perhaps if she did, she'd be busy with work and real life (not reality TV) just like all the other working stiffs. She would have been just too damn busy to fixate on trifles like mere appearance. Maybe, if she really feels bad for having small boobs, she could then (gasp!) pay for her own boob job and be happy with it, just like her quack of a shrink said she should…
The network is to blame for her sister's suicide? If ABC is to be blamed for anything, it is for putting junk like that and other so called reality TV on the air. We, the people, allow them to use public airwaves and they repay us by polluting them with this mindless drivel. And then we wonder why so many of our folk are so desperately clueless about what real life really is…
By the way, the word "ridiculous" is spelled with an "i" not "e" as it now appears at the top of this page.
erik says:
Thanks for the spelling correction. It is one of my many faults.
That said, this is the whole point. The situation as a whole is depressing, but rIdiculous to the point of trainwreckesque amusement. What I think is fairly clear is that she is not actually that unattractive. Particularly since a photo alone was not enough to justify her and her families behavior. The article had to in fact spell out why we should view her as ugly.
J. Ahlgren says:
Disclaimer: DBS is actually a writer for the E! show "Taradise" and thinks that all you "mean people should get your own country, because she loves everybody!"
SplatMaster says:
Try this. Most of the people that get selected for these makeover shows are NOT ugly. Not by the standards of everyday people in our country, and the world, that are truly physically unattractive. The procducers select people that will respond well to minimal(hence the time constraints) procedures. Sure, having your jaw broken doesn't sound minimal, but have you heard about the doctor that wants to transplant a face?? Anyway, this poor lady just needs to have a regular make over and maybe some orthodontics work. Then she would be perfectly acceptable in the general public for shopping and stuff and would probably have a much better self-image. In the meantime, the obviously monetarily driven lawsuit is just another indication that people want somebody else to be responsible for their own issues.
JB says:
"Anyway, this poor lady just needs to have a regular make over and maybe some orthodontics work. Then she would be perfectly acceptable in the general public for shopping and stuff and would probably have a much better self-image. "
I'm confused about how you would define 'needs,' 'regular make over,' and 'self-image.'
Maribeth says:
This shows how sick our society really is. Not everyone looks like Jessica Simpson (I am sure that Jessica Simpson doesn't look like Jessica Simpson without the makeup, hair and trick photography). People need to get grip. No wonder we have teenage girls starving themselfs to death for that "perfect" figure, that "perfect" look.
Maribeth says:
This shows how sick our society really is. Not everyone looks like Jessica Simpson (I am sure that Jessica Simpson doesn't look like Jessica Simpson without the makeup, hair and trick photography). People need to get grip. No wonder we have teenage girls starving themselfs to death for that "perfect" figure, that "perfect" look.
J says:
Just another loser trying to make a fast buck. I hate lawyers and frivolous lawsuits.
Ed says:
I think it's important to emphasize, for the many that apparently missed the fucking point, that this discussion is not about Ms. Williams, her appearance, and what (if any) cosmetic surgery from which she could derive benefit.
No, it is actually about this woman suing ABC and blaming them for the fact that her sister took an assload of drugs and died. Going on shows like "extreme makeover" already puts you halfway into Greedy Opportunist's Hell. Filing a lawsuit about it afterwards basically guarantees you lifetime admission.
ddra says:
Well, someone should thank her for being so fucking ugly. Without her I wouldn't know just how damn hot I am.
MEP says:
Not everyone is born with perfect genes. This woman happened to be one of the unfortunate ones who was born without good genes. I don't think that is any reason to make fun of her. She was promised a pretty face and that promise was broken. Think of the humiliation she went through. For all of you stuck- up people who THINK you've got the looks, take another look in the mirror. If criticizing others makes you feel better about yourself, then you need some serious help!! You people act as though your s–t smells like roses and that farts don't come out of our a–. people like you are obviously hiding something embarassing in your lives! So I laugh in all of your faces. God bless Deleese and may her sister rest in peace.
Rick says:
Who cares if she looks like a bag of smashed asses?
I doubt that the "everyone is beautiful" crowd frequents this site on a daily basis. Take off the disclaimer and the explanation, it's more fun that way.
MEP says:
Rick, I don't believe anyone mentioned the "everyone is beautiful" statement. I assume since you are making the remark that you my friend are the one that looks like a bag of "smashed asses." Lets leave it at that, it's more fun that way.
Anonymous says:
This goes out to "ddra" your posted last comment about you knowing how hot you are now that you have seen someone so f—–g ugly, anyone knows that judging by your statements that you obviously have some insecure issues about yourself, atleast this woman had the guts to go in front of national television to get a make-over. I think you should submit an application for yourself. Your family would be proud to have their ugly duckiling on T.V.
Big Bad Mamma says:
In my eyes, this wife and mother is a beautiful person.
haley says:
yea, I agree. I don't think she needs plastic surgery, I think she is a pretty girl just by having the guts to apply for the show, but later get dumped, thats sad. i am sure her husband and kids love her just the same. my heart goes out to her for her sisters death, what a tragedy. God bless her.
Hurricane Floyd says:
I wouldn't be in the least surprised if she's thinking, "if I win this bullshit lawsuit, I'll have more than enough $$$ to get plastic surgery, so why not go for it?" Pfff, please.
Rick says:
Nah, nobody mentioned it. I did.
Reread Erik's post. Again. And consider:
One doesn't commit suicide four months after an incident. Why? Please don't ramble a FOAF tale about how this remotely affects you or your dog. Instead, read a probable timeline.
First, she drank.
Second, she felt warm and fuzzy enough to pop a few pills.
Finally, she decided she was comfortable enough to snort.
Of course, the combination proved catastrophic to her nervous system. If she felt guilty that she trashmouthed her sister in her own audience, she would have done it much sooner. Perhaps the same day she found out the news. One does not wait four months to decide a life or death matter. The four month incident was either a) an accident or b) an expose in retardation. Pick one.
The lawsuit is frivolous. Why? One does not decide to take coke randomly along with a handfull of pills. She was an addict waiting to die.
Point? Come up with a better comeback than reorganizing a sentence.
doug says:
She is another victim of society. I think the makeover she needs is to sell the TV, get a job, and start shopping during the day with her (and her sister's) kids like a real mom. Although to her, it is all about her, she should start thinking about the children she is responsible for.
YUM YUM says:
Doug, very well said. I agree with you.
Ed says:
I'm not sure she's a "victim" of anything.
Jo-Mamma says:
The woman is being slandered on this web page, I would consider her a "victim."
Valerie says:
Slander is spoken aloud. Perhaps she is being defamed? But it's only a crime if it's not true, anyway. And the fact is, she was chosen to be on a TV show that ended up backing out. A television network is a for-profit company, not a charity. She should have read her contract more carefully. And I would have to agree that it sounds like complete and utter BS that her sister would develop such an escalating substance abuse problem simply as a result of insulting Deleese for the cameras. I would be inclinsed to think that Deleese is actually making a sick scam to cash in on her own sister's untimely death. And *that* is the grossest part of it.
Ed says:
Slander and libel exempt public figures unless the information presented is "recklessly in disregard" of the truth (Supreme Court's words). What exactly is untrue here? Furthermore, by agreeing to appear on a network TV show and then having her attorney publicly announce the lawsuit, she made herself a public figure.
In closing, stop being such a fucking retard. Try talking with your mouth rather than out of your ass. "Slandered" is a legal term, not a synonym for "insulted."
Ed says:
And yes Valerie, slander refers to oral defamation. Libel is written. And neither means "insulted".
beth says:
ha! i love this site!
KOBE says:
Ed stop taking comments off of this website just to make yourself look good. You and I both know that you are a nobody. Why don't you take off that VERY RUDE remark about us being "fucking retards" and that we are " talking out of our asses." Have a little more class and respect for the ladies.
Ed says:
I'm not sure I follow your argument, retard.
KOBE says:
ED, Of course you are not able to follow the argument because you are an arrogant jerk who gets satisfaction out of degrading women. I'm sure other women reading this would agree with me. Don't bother responding back, you're too stupid to understand anthing.
Valerie (the real Valerie) says:
Hey, "KOBE", "pederast", or whatever your mom named you when you fell out…. I don't know if you were the person posting as me and signing my name — but someone was, and that person was posting from California. I don't live in California, so it didn't take a whole lot of fancy booksmarts for the webmaster to see that the posts were fake and take them down. Since you're slow, I'll spell this out for you — the point is, it wasn't Ed who took them down. And posting as someone else, by the way? That makes YOU really classy.
elizabeth says:
my husband and i both agree with you kobe. very well put. you truly are a gentlemen.
Ed says:
Yes, I find the Williams situation ridiculous because I hate women. I give up….where'd you finish your Masters? Yale?
Also, did you really think we wouldn't notice that the comments of "other people" agreeing with you are coming from the same IP address as your comments?
mike says:
misogyny what? Do you really think anyone would change their opinion of the situation if Deleese Williams was Dennis Williams? Deleese is a victim in-so-much as ABC may have violated a contract with her – that's for a court of law to decide.
The idea that Deleese is trying to stack the cards in her favor by suing for things to pile on the damages is what we are pissed about. Blaming her mentally unstable drug-addled sister committing suicide, or her own agoraphobia, on ABC to try to get them to settle earlier is egregious.
mike says:
KOBE: "you're too stupid to understand anthing."
fyi – if you are going to try and call out someone else as being stupid, it is best to spellcheck. sayin'.
MCN says:
I just saw this on TV this morning. I then got on the net and found the actual complaint made by this woman's lawyers. It is sad that her sister took her own life but, it is not grounds for any lawsuit in my opinion. Erik's first post cut right to the point. This Kellie woman obviously had major mental issues long before she came out and basher her own sister! I do not know about any of you but, I would NEVER trash my own sister for anyone or anything. I think the saddest thing in all this is the poor children! Their mother killed herself(ie. she was sick), they are now living with their "ugly" aunt(those are Mrs. Williams' words), and they come from a family with atleast three bi-polar individuals(see the actual court documents)…meaning their odds of suffering from the same mental issues are VERY high. This case should have never made it past the lawyers desk! STUPID STUPID STUPID.
AJ says:
I'm not a rocket scientist here, but yeah it seems to me this woman is trying to cash in on her sister's self destruction. What a shame for all. Obviously if the sister is unable to deal with what was coaxed from her for the sake of Reality T.V. and the guilt was so suffice .. then she must have really thought that …. BUT … I doubt that is the real case. As it was stated above, it's hard to believe it took 4 months for the guilt and obsession over it to build enough to intentionally go out and purchase booze, pills AND cocaine. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just purchase a few extra bottles of sleeping pills? Better yet a bullet? Are we forgetting that suicide is a very selfish act especially over comments being made? Wouldn't it have been much easier to say, "Hey sis, I'm sorry for what I said." ???? Duhhh! Better yet, just simply blame it acutally on the TV program which is obviously what was done, unless like I stated before ….. she really felt that way and truly was ashamed. Even I, if was willing to publicaly willing to degrade myself for the sake of a free makeover would encourage my family to call me ugly, hideous, fat, droopy and so on. That my friends, is the difference in self esteem and the attitude of being a leader instead of a follower!
No one is perfect and nothing is ever free. Obviously someone has found Deleese to be beautiful enough to love her, support her and want to have children with her. If she herself is so self absorbed in her looks then why be suprised that she would be more than willing to cash in on her sister's suicide?
I have never met a woman nor a man who did not find something that they would like to change including myself. When I have the thoughts of perkier boobs, or my thin lips needing a little poof to add luster, I simply think that this is my right of passage and my husband fell in love with me when I thought I was less than perfect then and remember he tells me everyday that he loves now, 15 lbs heavier, boobies a little more droopy, stretch marks on my belly from the children I had for us and my lips getting a little thinner with age.
It seems Deleese also has that in the husband she has now and the unconditional love of her parents and children. What more can someone possibly ask for? This is what people search their whole lives for.
Self absorbtion is what I see from Deleese and now is written in stone on her sister's grave marker. Seems to run in the family if you ask me.
Ummmm? Common sense in a regular unabsorbed person would kick in and make someone think that having your jaw broken would yes … take much longer to heal than having veniers (sp), a boob job and so on done to a body. Honestly, the lady is no heavier than a hundred pounds wet, I don't think she could have gone 6 + weeks drinking through a straw!!!
AJ says:
I'm not a rocket scientist here, but yeah it seems to me this woman is trying to cash in on her sister's self destruction. What a shame for all. Obviously if the sister is unable to deal with what was coaxed from her for the sake of Reality T.V. and the guilt was so suffice .. then she must have really thought that …. BUT … I doubt that is the real case. As it was stated above, it's hard to believe it took 4 months for the guilt and obsession over it to build enough to intentionally go out and purchase booze, pills AND cocaine. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just purchase a few extra bottles of sleeping pills? Better yet a bullet? Are we forgetting that suicide is a very selfish act especially over comments being made? Wouldn't it have been much easier to say, "Hey sis, I'm sorry for what I said." ???? Duhhh! Better yet, just simply blame it acutally on the TV program which is obviously what was done, unless like I stated before ….. she really felt that way and truly was ashamed. Even I, would be willing to publicaly degrade myself for the sake of a free makeover and would encourage my family to call me ugly, hideous, fat, droopy and so on. That my friends, is the difference in self esteem and the attitude of being a leader instead of a follower!
No one is perfect and nothing is ever free. Obviously someone has found Deleese to be beautiful enough to love her, support her and want to have children with her. If she herself is so self absorbed in her looks then why be suprised that she would be more than willing to cash in on her sister's suicide?
I have never met a woman nor a man who did not find something that they would like to change including myself. When I have the thoughts of perkier boobs, or my thin lips needing a little poof to add luster, I simply think that this is my right of passage and my husband fell in love with me when I thought I was less than perfect then and remember he tells me everyday that he loves now, 15 lbs heavier, boobies a little more droopy, stretch marks on my belly from the children I had for us and my lips getting a little thinner with age.
It seems Deleese also has that in the husband she has now and the unconditional love of her parents and children. What more can someone possibly ask for? This is what people search their whole lives for.
Self absorbtion is what I see from Deleese and now is written in stone on her sister's grave marker. Seems to run in the family if you ask me.
Ummmm? Common sense in a regular unabsorbed person would kick in and make someone think that having your jaw broken would yes … take much longer to heal than having veniers (sp), a boob job and so on done to a body. Honestly, the lady is no heavier than a hundred pounds wet, I don't think she could have gone 6 + weeks drinking through a straw!!!
AJ says:
Sorry about the double post .. two kids running around and the first post was ment to preview. So sawwry!!
John says:
She has a slam dunk case under the well recognized doctrine of promissory estoppel.
1. A promise was made that reasonably induced action or forbearance on her part.
2. She relied on the promise to her detriment.
3. Injustice can only be avoided by enforcement of the promise.
Wish I had his case. Got to settle quick out of court. Cost of an "extreme make over" is lowest price for settlement.
D. Minyard says:
What I find interesting are the varied reactions people seem to have toward Deleese Williams. Reactions seem to run the gamut from sympathy for her tragedy, to impatience that another greedy loser nutcase found a way to make a quick buck.
My own reaction was of sadness that someone – for whatever reason – decided to take their own life. I don't know these people well enough to comment on whatever judgements they made which led them to this point, but I would like to think that I at least have enough humanity to feel sorrow over their loss.
How easy it is to sit in front of a computer monitor or television and allow these tidbits of information -mere spoonfuls of news compiled from soundbites, weblogs, websites, RSS feeds, chat rooms and newsreaders – to feed our desire to pontificate endlessly and endlessly and endlessly about people we… know….nothing….about.
Yes, I feel sad for Mrs. Williams and her family for losing a sister; but I also feel bad that they must tolerate sarcasm and venom from people using the internet as their soapbox.
By the way…think on this…is it necessary to explain sarcasm because people are too stupid to get it, or could it be through flaws in the writer?
lacie says:
Yeah, promising this girl her life so changed, so much better, and that she is not good enough and is in fact horrible and coaxing her family to say horrible things about the way she looks all for…um nothing! I'd sue their fuckin asses too. That's just cruel. Not to mention the sisters death that was triggered by this…I mean yeah, and there are so more kids to raise.
She's gonna need that money now that she has her sister's kids. A lot more than that show.
cali says:
hi my name is cali
Patriarchal Oppressor says:
Whatever. She the her useful parts in the correct places. What more can you ask for in an American woman these days?
Missy says:
After reading just a few of these comments, CONGATULATIONS! Many of you have confirmed that some humans are indeed, shit.
Not on my watch.
Bend over Patriarchal Opprossor, I've got a 5 iron with your name on it.
scharfe says:
Plastic Surgery Forum says:
Found this post very useful, thanks
Karalee Williams says:
This deleese Williams has more problems than You think . she is mentally ill , I know for sure I am the sister daughter the one who supposly killed herself because my mom said harsh words about deleese Williams my aunt well that is not true I know the real truth and abc was stupid to actual believe my mom Kelly McGee would actual do a drug overdose all because of her saying harsh words that not true and maybe abc she think and become smarter and actual pay attention that my aunt deleese Williams mulitalated abc into thinking that you know deleese Williams was in fact not ugly she made her self look worse that day she did not take a shower did not put make up on and did not do her I rememeber watching her . With that being said she looks more digustibg today then back when she allegedly said she was horribly ugly …….. Anyways
Aria Soliz says:
I really wouldn't believe anything that Karalee Williams says! She's psychotic, immature, lies, stalks, harasses, etc. She's as disturbed as her whole family and sleeps with anything that has a penis.