In a news development that will come as a shock to absolutely no one, ginandtacos.
com patron saint Ol' Dirty Bastard had a whole bunch of blow in his system when he died. This reaffirms the fact that "heart attack" is the celebrity-death code word for "cocaine overdose" (see also James, Rick and Entwistle, John).
As if we needed medical science or some fancy-pants Coroner to tell us Dirty died because he did too many drugs.
In light of the overwhelming redundance of this "revelation" hereby declares this the Most Unnecessary Autopsy Ever. This decision will come as a disappointment to fans of the current title holder – former Alice in Chains vocalist Layne Staley – but we feel that Dirty has rightfully earned it.

"Candles red, I have a pair. Burning on the angry chair."
Mr. Staley had a good, lengthy run in the top spot, and he should be proud of his accomplishments. He will forever be remember for the fact that 99% of the world responded to his death with "That can't be right….I'm pretty sure he died of an overdose like five years ago."