I have immunity to scams as an adult because in my adolescence I was innoculated with a weak strain of scam that gave me lifetime protection. ...
I'm no fancy Strategist but this seems like much more effective messaging than "I love Reagan too!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...
Exclusive photo from inside the Strategic Crypto Reserve ...
I like how this whole thing was supposed to be a media stunt to show everyone how united they are behind the Great Man and the visual they produced looks like a Brezhnev-era politburo meeting where the one agronomist with access to the real numbers just told them about the wheat forecast. ...
Liz says:
It could never be said that his colors were running.
eep says:
Oh my God. I love you guys.
I just got an e-mail from a coworker asking me to wear red on Friday to support the troops. (Um, what?) Now I feel I will need to wear green in support of Dimebag. Thanks for giving me a new cause!
myconfidence says:
I saw Pantera thrice, never on purpose. However, much restecp to Dimebag and his band. All three times, they fucking tore shit up. I never became a big fan, but that dude knew how to let it all out. Unfortunately, so did some nutjob who gave irony a bad name by destroying a creator of art that the shit for brains apparently loved (perhaps a bit too much, but hey, all the great ones go young, yeah?). I thunk I heard the guys in Pantera talk once about how they wouldn't keep doing it forever, with some comment about a bunch of sixty year-olds trying to kick it like that. Tragic how people get what they wish for sometimes, really…