I have immunity to scams as an adult because in my adolescence I was innoculated with a weak strain of scam that gave me lifetime protection. ...
I'm no fancy Strategist but this seems like much more effective messaging than "I love Reagan too!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...
Exclusive photo from inside the Strategic Crypto Reserve ...
I like how this whole thing was supposed to be a media stunt to show everyone how united they are behind the Great Man and the visual they produced looks like a Brezhnev-era politburo meeting where the one agronomist with access to the real numbers just told them about the wheat forecast. ...
tambrosi says:
That was awesome. Nice find Mike
Ed says:
Crossfire has gone downhill quicker than any TV show in history save for Six Feet Under circa the season 2/3 crossover.
What happened was, CNN started getting murdered in the ratings by Fox News. They presumed that the reason was because people like to watch angry white men yelling a lot. And, instead of being objective and accused of being partisan anyway, being partisan while pretending to be objective.
Now it's basically just 4 people yelling at each other. A far cry from the days of Pat Buchanan telling Bill Press "If there were a vast right-wing conspiracy in progress, someone would have called me by now."
kat says:
they also seem to have studied the art of speed-talking-to-cover-one's-stupidity.
i love john stewart. i would have his love children just to produce more little jon stewarts in the world. at least the kiddies wouldn't wear bow-ties.
Myconfidence says:
I propose a collection to buy Jon Stewart a White House Press Pass. He would truly be a lion among the flock.