The year was 1993. The grunge music was popular, Bill Clinton had recently been elected president, and Richard Linklater had just completed the movie Dazed and Confused. The marijuana and hallucinogenic drug consuming subculture was treated to a film that would, for years to come be viewed by stoned teenagers and college students who would stare vacantly at the screen and giggle uncontrollably for no apparent reason.

These were good times
This is possibly one of the best crafted high school, cult followed, viewed by stoners movies to ever have been made. Honestly, the basic premise of the movie is that it is the last day of school and the kids are going to go to a party, then they are going to go see Aerosmith… Really, that’s it.
Yet, between the fact that it had every actor that was going to become famous in the next 5 years in it, and that the plot basically made no apologies for the fact that it was just a bunch of people having a good time for an hour and a half, it managed to come off as incredibly refreshing as opposed to moronic.
Now the year is 2004. 11 years after the movie initially was released.
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Three men in Santa Fe, NM are suing claiming their character has been defamed.
That’s right, apparently Wooderson, Andy Slater, and Richard "Pink" Floyd were actual classmates of Richard Linklater. Looking back it all makes perfect sense. These characters were so much of cliches that they had to actually be real people. In other words, a writer clearly would have made more effort if he were not basing it off actual acquaintances of his.
Where does one begin to discuss the absurdity of this lawsuit? Is it at the point where they chose to file it 11 years after the movie was released?
Or is it when realizing that these three men have never left the town in which they attended high school- thus fulfilling the movie's prophecy.
I think perhaps I will just leave it with this.
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"Pink" Floyd works at a car dealership, Andy Slater does construction and remodeling, and Wooderson has some nondescript job in the "technology sector." One is only left to assume that if a sequel to the movie were to be made, these three men's lives could still be used to inspire the characters based on them.
Ed says:
I'm sorry, but as this entry has nothing to do with runaways sucking dick, I have no interest in it and dispute its placement on the front page.
Article II of the ginandtacos charter clearly states that all front-page material shall deal exclusively with cam porn.
mike says:
is one of the steps of a 12 Step Program recanting any and all movies/books/songs/stories/etc. that use your likeness as a stoner or drinker?
Valerie says:
I love that Wooderson is a real person. This makes me very happy.
And, with all respect to Mr. Wooderson… Do you think that maybe he could cash in on his fame in some way other than by suing Linklater? Perhaps he could follow in the path of other "camera" personalities — and set up a Paypal tip jar.
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