I have immunity to scams as an adult because in my adolescence I was innoculated with a weak strain of scam that gave me lifetime protection. ...
I'm no fancy Strategist but this seems like much more effective messaging than "I love Reagan too!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...
Exclusive photo from inside the Strategic Crypto Reserve ...
I like how this whole thing was supposed to be a media stunt to show everyone how united they are behind the Great Man and the visual they produced looks like a Brezhnev-era politburo meeting where the one agronomist with access to the real numbers just told them about the wheat forecast. ...
K says:
I can say without reservation–and I think others might agree–that the vision of Old Polish Guy, on the El, red-nosed and with inappropriately shifty eyes badly hidden behind a newspaper is my fondest wish for you as well.
Liz says:
I liked him. :-(
I will refrain from the thought-to-be-inevitable "old polish men" zing, since ed is out of town.
mike says:
You'll have to pay an import and tariff tax on any zings! sent at ed while he is out of the country.
mary says:
Well, you really know how to get to the heart of a man.
click here says:
Good Point. Anyways, this was where i met her. You can join for free as well http://www.redtricircle.com