After the 2000 election, a hoax set of "facts" spread around the internet showing that states with a higher "average IQ" voted for Gore while states in which the comics are the most-read part of the newspaper voted for Bush. Of course, average IQ scores are not tested or recorded in this country.
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However, I decided to have a look-see at the 2000 US Census and its measures of educational attainment. Specifically, they record the percentage of the adult population that has earned a high school diploma, bachelor's degree, and so on.
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And, while the "IQ data" was made up, it was also uncannily accurate. Let's look at the real data from Table 13 of US Census document P20-536, published December 19, 2000 along with for whom the state voted in the 2000 election.

Our president managed only four states among the 15 most educated, but in case you were doubting his resolve, fear not. As we can see, he makes up for it with a strong finish in the 15 least educated states.
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And there you have it. Call me un-American, but it is a clear commentary on our leader's rhetorical methods, platform, and intelligence when the states in which fancy book learnin' is frowned upon and one's eulogy is likely to contain the phrase "Git'er done!" are voting for him in unflinching unison. And it also shows you what a bang-up job years of fantastic conservative policy have done for the bottom states' educational systems.
tom says:
off topic, but:
amandagorey says:
Once again Ed, you're right. Sadly, I am not suprised by these figures. I really can't make a single comment you didn't already. The correlations are uncanny.
Alex Avriette says:
Duped! This is a hoax. Troll usenet.
Ed says:
Uh, did you check the link or actually read the story, retard?
Sara says:
Give 'em a break, Ed.
They're probably from West Virginia.
Anonymous says:
what about the other states how did they vote based on education?
Ed says:
The link's right there, lazy ass.