Two days before the official date to turn over power, The United States has given Iraq back its government… sort of.

Read about it in the New York Times here
It would really be nice if there was something witty or comical that could be said about this situation. Unfortunately, it is just kind of sad. The irony of handing sovereignty over to a country while you still have 160,000 official troops on the ground sort of speaks for itself.
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Yes, I suppose that Hungary was sort of a sovereign nation before the fall of the Soviet Union. What control are these new leaders actually going to have? I am willing to bet they will not be overseeing "coalition" troop movements.
They are not going to have much say at all as to the rebuilding of the country. They say themselves that they have no imediate domestic of foreign initiatives planned.
So what is the new governement planning on doing? What is going to be different. Well, for one thing they are considering (with US support) rescinding some of the "western freedoms" the United States so proudly gave to the Iraqi people. They want to declare a martial rule to help fight insurgents.
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For all of you out there wondering what point turning over power now serves, it seems rather straight forward. George Bush gets to say he is giving Iraq back to the Iraqis. They get to blame the Iraqis for future problems and the real kicker is that they are going to get more power to rule the country by brute force because actual Iraqis are condoning it. It really makes a lot of sense when you think about it.
Oh, and as a side note I am sure that Republicans will be out in force hailing this as a sign of true progress and the first steps toward a democratic Iraq. Lets see how many times when they are talking about this progress they mention the fact that they had to move the transfer of power forward two days and hold the cerimony secretly to avoid it being bombed.