Also due to feeling the pressures of graduate student life, I am going to give you random links to make up for actual updates.
The NYT talking about the use of MRI in determining political leanings Although from a scientific standpoint, this research is at the point where it can be refered to as dubious at best, their "conclusions" are quite amusing. You will need a NYT login to view this article. If you don't already have one, and don't want to sign up for one, use ours:
If you don't have much time a brief on the same story from the….bear in mind that he left out some of the more interesting tidbits about the apparent differences between conservatives and liberals.
Teenagers are actually are interested in news Yes, but since the study also concludes that they "hate reading" is this really good news?
What is the nature of our involvement in Syria? This is admittedly a very sketchy source, but interesting nonetheless – primarily because some of the statements attributed to US government officaials seem remarkably similar to rhetoric describing our involvement in Laos and Cambodia in early 1970.
Let me leave you with this quote from Kevin Spacey after his ill-fated late night "dog walking" incident. Apparently he was "conned" into giving some kid his cell phone, then tripped over his dog in an attempt to pursue the child. He proceeded to lie to the police and claim he was mugged.
"You know walking your dog in the park is a perfectly normal thing to do, but, you know, I think that they are always trying to, you know, [say] 'What was he doing in that park at 4:30 am.?' My doggy had to go!"
By the way, if I were to actually say this I could be sued, so I will just insinuate. This incident took place in London, I have on good authority from someone who was there recently that there are pamphlets around the city saying going to parks late at night are a good way so score yourself some hot anonymous same-sex loving.
Dave says:
As a resident of the UK, I can assure you that your statement is true. however, most of the folk out looking for the aforementioned same-sex lovin' are Conservative MPs. And I'm sure Mr Spacey doesn't swing that way.
He wants to bang a nice LIBERAL boy.
pharmacy says:
I do like this blog a lot. thanks for keeping all the spammers off it.