Club Sandwiches, Not Seals

Update! I want to direct everyone to the website posted by liz in the comments: the link

It good to know that there are many young Newfoundlanders out there club in hand just waiting to join the noble ranks of the baby seal hunters. I wonder what a seal medallion or burger tastes like?

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If you answered that they are the new front line against the clubbing of baby seals, then you would have been correct. This whole situation baffles me. An article in the New York Times this morning indicated that due to increased demand from eastern europe, and other similarly pleasant places seal clubbing is again on the rise in Canada.

I am not exactly what you would call your typical animal rights advocate.
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Anyone introducing themselve to me as a member of "greenpeace" would no doubt promptly meet the back of my hand, or at least have to endure an extended verbal lashing. However, the whole concept of seal clubbing escapes me.

First of all, I have no idea what you do with a baby seal pelt? Can anyone help me out here? Are seal skin pants the latest fashion in the Czech Republic or something? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it just doesn't seem like seal is really the color of the season.
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Second, after decades of scandal and protest, can't this industry find some better way to carry out business than to have large swarthy canadian men lumbering across the snow covered seaside with large clubs crushing the skulls of baby animals right in front of the waiting cameras of animal rights activists? I mean honestly, look how politely the beef industry hides itself from public eye. Not since Upton Sinclair has anyone really had to witness it.

11 thoughts on “Club Sandwiches, Not Seals”

  • This is fantastic.

    It certainly seems like after 10,000 years of evolution they could come up with an alternative means of killing them other than bludgeoning them over the head with a stick.

  • Me and my sister find seal clubbing appalling and barbaric and we are totally against it – animals should be respected and left alone , if you were to club a human being a life sentence is what you would get ! whats the price you pay for clubbing a baby seal??

  • How could somebody DO this this sort of cruel act?! It is sick. Those are innocent animals who have as much as of a right to live as any other person! I don't understand why people would do such a thing for a measley coat, that will probably end up in a thrift store ten years later. Think about it.

  • Vegans rule!

    There really is no good reason to wear seal pelts, and the practices described above should have been outdated long ago.

    In response to a question raised earlier: Why do the hunters use clubs to "bash baby seals' skulls in"?

    Hunters club seals (as opposed to shooting them) in order to avoid putting holes in the seal's pelt.

  • I live in canada and i am beyond appauled that people are allowed to beat a poor animal on the head until it dies. I think that it is barbaric and should be considered a crime. The people who come to canada to participate in this so called "sport" deserve to die.

  • THIS IS CRAZY!!!!! It's so stupid that its not even funny! Like what the hell are those guys thinking going out and crushing the heads of innocent animal for a fucking fur pelt?!?!?! How about we have a new game? Seal clubber clubbing, we go out to newfoundland with baseball bats and club any loser who hits a seal on the head, the one who hits the most seal clubbers win.. YAYY!!

  • THIS IS CRAZY!!!!! It's so stupid that its not even funny! Like what the hell are those guys thinking going out and crushing the heads of innocent animal for a fucking fur pelt?!?!?! How about we have a new game? Seal clubber clubbing, we go out to newfoundland with baseball bats and club any loser who hits a seal on the head, the one who hits the most seal clubbers win.. YAYY!!

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